Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm 22, perfect health, one child: What do I need to know to get a good life insurance policy

I'm 22, perfect health, one child: What do I need to know to get a good life insurance policy?
My son is a special needs child, and if anything were to happen to me, I would want my family to have a way to provide for him. I am just wondering what sort of life insurance policies are out there and where should I start looking?
Insurance - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'm responding from a point of view of a mother - When I was considering insurance for my child, I took care to select policies do not overly burden my child when my child is older and paying for the insurance - e.g. policies that I can pay up in 10 years (but cover my child for life), or policies that require my child to pay a small sum (like $100 per year but be covered for life kind of thing). My parents bought me policies years ago, and when I took over them in my 20s, I realized these policies require me to pay a considerable sum (to the tune of $3000 per year) for the rest of my life - this is something I wanted to avoid at all costs for my child.
2 :
Life insurance is a good thing for you to get in case something happens to you. The cheapest policy is a term policy with level payments for a certain amount of year, such as 30 years with level payments. The beneficiary part is what is the most important part of the policy. If your son is special needs you need a "Special Needs Trust". You can do it yourself or have an attorney or financial advisor do it for you. This way the money is spent in a certain way for your child.
3 :
Well, you start out by setting a concrete goal - what you want the policy to do for you. Then, you have to compare the cost of the coverage, with what your money is worth, if you could invest it on your own. Many times, with a special needs child, you are going to want that policy in force your entire life, because that child will ALWAYS need care. If that's the case, you want to purchase whole life insurance. If you think you're going to earn enough to be able to stockpile significant assets on your own, or (horrible to say, but it has to be said) if your child has a terminal disability like cystic fibrosis, then you probably only need a 20 year term life insurance policy. The first place to start, is by defining your need, and defining how long you're going to HAVE that need.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

What will happen if a man is ordered by the court to by health insurance by the court for his child and does n


What will happen if a man is ordered by the court to by health insurance by the court for his child and does n?
What will happen if a man is ordered by the court to by health insurance by the court for his child and does not pay? But child support is deducted from his pay check.
Parenting - 2 Answers
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1 :
Then he has broken the order and they can either send him to jail, or deduct the premiums from his check. Unfortunately there is not a lot they can do to one who won't pay. Send him to jail where he can't make money to pay? Deduct it from his check and he goes underground. I'm thinking a public humiliation thing might just work on theses guys.
2 :
I think you need to edit your question because it doesn't make sense. If a "man" has to get court ordered to pay child support and have it automatically deducted from his pay, he is not taking responsibility.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Would you keep your health comprimised child home from school if Swine surfaces in your town

Would you keep your health comprimised child home from school if Swine surfaces in your town?
Or have them wear a facemask?
Parenting - 21 Answers
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1 :
absolutly she wouldnt even go outside
2 :
Yes, that would be the appropriate action. Hell, school is almost out anyway.
3 :
Yes (daycare)
4 :
They would miss school.
5 :
Absolutely, if the child's health is compromised in any way.
6 :
My grandsons won't walk out the door!!!
7 :
if they were truly health compromised yes, i'd do keep them home from school, and yes, possibly wear a face mask that was the correct one to wear.
8 :
Absolutely. Schools today seem to have a hard time keeping viruses and other things from spreading around school. I think my daughter and I would both be upset if she had to miss school so I might consider sending her in a mask and speaking to her teacher and the school nurse. However, if your child already has health issues I would definitely keep the child at home. The swine flu is even deadlier that the normal flu and young children (and elderly) are especially susceptible to both.
9 :
why a facemask? you do know that swine flu isn't airborne? yes, you can breath normally, no need to go buy a class 3 HAZMAT suit. just wash your hands, and try not to touch other people.
10 :
If my child had a history of catching every bug around, they would definitely stay home. I would not trust the mask to filter out all the germs. Now, personally, my two youngest hardly ever get sick. They seem to have pretty good immune systems. For them, I probably would be comfortable sending them to school and relying on a mask. I don't see it as over reacting, I see it as playing the "better safe than sorry" card.
11 :
Yes!!! Then again, I'm more than likely don't going ATM to get what I need. Its not even in my state yet. I think.
12 :
Face mask does NOT necessarily help to keep from getting swine flu. You are actually trapping germs in. It is recommended for people who ALREADY have it to stop it from spreading. And yes I would keep a health compromised child home. A healthy child no. But an already sickly child yes.
13 :
She would stay home. my husband and I are already making plans to adjust our schedules and keep her home full time if it reaches this area. I don't care what kind of leave we exhaust at work...her health is now and will always he our top priority.
14 :
my older daughter has severe asthma and her trigger is viruses. our school system just alerted us to the fact that some kids from the school had been in the affected area of Mexico over break, and that some other kids in our town had been in Central America over break and were reporting flu symptoms (but it's apparently regular flu season there so there's no particular reason to believe it's swine flu). i thought about it and sent her to school. i told her to wash her hands before eating. if someone in her school is actually diagosed with swine flu i'll consider it again. but i'm not keeping her home forever just in case. she could come home with any virus that could send her to the hospital any day. forgoing life to protect your life doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
15 :
No school for them
16 :
Yes, I would take her out of daycare if cases were found in our city. She's so suseptible to everything anyway, why take the risk
17 :
yes i would keep them home . we already have a case in our county.
18 :
If they were truly immunity compromised, yes, especially since this is a KNOWN strain of influenza that humans have no immunity to. We live in California less than 30 minutes away from where 1 of the known cases of Swine Flu has recently surfaced and I'm certain it will make it's way to our town, to my kids schools and the ER I work in...I have bumped up nutritional measures Known to heighten natural immunities for myself and my kids and I leave it at that. I'm not overly worried, there are Flu's that make their rounds every year that humans have no immunity to, we just aren't made as aware of those as we are being made aware of this one. Face Masks are minimally helpful at best...Wash, Wash, Wash your hands and don't touch your face, nose or mouth.
19 :
I would definitely keep my child home from school if their health was compromised at school. The swine flu seems to be a bacterial flu. Wash, wash, wash... Disinfect, wash again.
20 :
yes my 3 year old has a weak immune system he was just hospitalized last month just for having a stomach bug so he would be under lock and key and he would stay in the house I am already taking precautions no going out to eat no chuck e cheese no park no public restrooms and if we go shopping I wipe the cart handle with a clorox wipe and we are hand sanitizing to death I know I sound crazy but I don't think my son could fight such a bad illness off.
21 :
I would keep my very healthy child home. i would rather say, "wasn't that silly", rather then "boy I wish I had". I choose not to expose my child to something that might kill them.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Bush vetoes child health plan money, but not war funds

Bush vetoes child health plan money, but not war funds?
Bush says.."too much money for child health' ???? What a monster of a Prez we have. Billions spent on war, no end in sight, but he vetoes increased funding for children.
Politics - 16 Answers
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1 :
Bush dragged down the Republican party, thanks to him we will have the first woman president!
2 :
There's Constitutional authority for military action and budgeting. There is NO Constitutional authority for socialism.
3 :
He vetoed an increase. Jebus H Christ, if you are this unknowing over something simple, please do not try anything dangerous.
4 :
It's not for poor children, it includes children and non-pregant adults. The war will end,, taxes never end.... Read the entire bill and get enlightened.... SEC. 114. LIMITATION ON MATCHING RATE FOR STATES THAT PROPOSE TO COVER CHILDREN WITH EFFECTIVE FAMILY INCOME THAT EXCEEDS 300 PERCENT OF THE POVERTY LINE. (a) FMAP Applied to Expenditures- Section 2105(c) (42 U.S.C. 1397ee(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: `(8) LIMITATION ON MATCHING RATE FOR EXPENDITURES FOR CHILD HEALTH ASSISTANCE PROVIDED TO CHILDREN WHOSE EFFECTIVE FAMILY INCOME EXCEEDS 300 PERCENT OF THE POVERTY LINE- `(A) FMAP APPLIED TO EXPENDITURES- Except as provided in subparagraph (B), for fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2008, the Federal medical assistance percentage (as determined under section 1905(b) without regard to clause (4) of such section) shall be substituted for the enhanced FMAP under subsection (a)(1) with respect to any expenditures for providing child health assistance or health benefits coverage for a targeted low-income child whose effective family income would exceed 300 percent of the poverty line but for the application of a general exclusion of a block of income that is not determined by type of expense or type of income. `(B) EXCEPTION- Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any State that, on the date of enactment of the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007, has an approved State plan amendment or waiver to provide, or has enacted a State law to submit a State plan amendment to provide, expenditures described in such subparagraph under the State child health plan.'. (b) Rule of Construction- Nothing in the amendments made by this section shall be construed as-- (1) changing any income eligibility level for children under title XXI of the Social Security Act; or (2) changing the flexibility provided States under such title to establish the income eligibility level for targeted low-income children under a State child health plan and the methodologies used by the State to determine income or assets under such plan. SEC. 115. STATE AUTHORITY UNDER MEDICAID.
5 :
Actually he may veto the defense bill too. Without line item veto the whole bill has to go. Those riders are a killer.
6 :
And where are the childrens parents? And if you look at the proposed bill instead of just spouting off about it, you will see the DEMOCRATS tried to tack on PORK AGAIN!!!!!!!!
7 :
C'mon now, he can't very well fund health care for children here in America and fund the war which kills children over in Iraq. That might be considered a "flip-flop." Bush is just anti-children no matter what country they're in!
8 :
But health care for kids is SOCIALISM!
9 :
Who cares about American children, its the Iraqi children which come first....paying for them for the next 5+ years.
10 :
You have to understand, the children will not make him & Chaney any money! The war is making them rich! The heck with the future of this country, he has been thumbing his nose at us since he took over!
11 :
Bush is proud of providing health care for children, in Iraq. He's all over TV touting it. But for some reason he can't support it in the US. His military budget is larger than all countries in the world combined but he can't find a dime for little children. Wow are his priorities screwed up.
12 :
It shows his priorities. He and his Republican buddies care only for their corporate benefactors and not the will of the people. The obstructionist Republicans in Congress are doing all they can to obstruct the will of the people. It just comes clearer and clearer where their priorities lie and they are not with the people.
13 :
Oh NO, not increased funding for CHILDREN! Pay your own stinking medical bills. I have kids of my own. I pay for THEIR health insurance. I am not obligated to pay for YOUR kids' health insurance. Get a freaking JOB!
14 :
His kids are all grown up have their plastic surgery all done, lobster on their plates everyday, why do our kids need anything??
15 :
President Bush vetoed a bill which was simply the narrow end of the Dems wedge of socialized medicine. If the socialists (er, I mean liberals) really want to help kids and not just play political games for the press they should draft a bill that addresses the problem of uninsured children without adding political pork, grandstanding ( spelled L Y I N G )for the media, or trying to force socialized medicine down our throats. For the record, I DO believe that all children should be medically insured. I just don't think that socialism is the answer.
16 :
Please read this, I would be grateful if you did. When you factor in inflation, we are spending the same amount we spent in peacetime. Hard to believe, but in peacetime, every training mission results in combat, vehicles are used as they would be in hostile situations on a regular basis, and it wears things down. In war, not every mission ends up with a fight, most of the time is spent outside of combat and it shows. Factories that refurbish military equipment have not needed to increase production, they are running the same they did before the war. If you look at the stocks of some companies who make military equipment, they have actually gone down. Now about the healthcare, the President didnt actually say it was too much, it was actually not much at all, but the way that it would be run was not satisfactory to many republicans. It is a well known fact that doctors love to overbill insurance companies, it became an epidemic in the 80's and early 90's that ended up with many cases of people being rejected for life saving treatment only to die. I think we have all heard of the time that man died of a heart attack in the ER because his insurance took to long to clear. The point of this all is that you cannot give anybody a free check, they will abuse it. Something I would like to point out to you, something that people who have supplied you with this information dont want you to know, is that if you go to a hospital and cant pay, the government picks up the check anyway. Im being completely serious. Not only that, but as someone who grew up in the gutter, I know from experience that there are clinics that give free immunizations and health care to anybody, rich or poor. As the system stands now, if you need care, you will get it, but you are encouraged to make your best effort. I know that I get coverage for my entire family for $300 month, and was more than able to make those payments, rent, insurance, and food with my $8hr job. I find it hard to imagine that someone cant. There is not a single hospital that will just let you die, or will not give you medication you require. Even for me, when I went to the hospital for a stomach ulcer, they gave me the same medicine I would have paid $350 a week for, but for free because they got it for FREE from the drug companies for people who need it. If you are under the impression that there are people who aren't covered, its only because thats what it seems like from the information we receive from news and online. We simply assume that because it was rejected, then we dont have anything in the first place.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

How can you get health insurance for child you have temporary custody for

How can you get health insurance for child you have temporary custody for?
I am wondering if there is a way to get health insurance for my niece if she comes to live with me for a year? She's 11 years old. Her parents live in CA, she might come to live with us in FL for one year....I wouldn't be her Legal Guardian because we cannot go to court in CA, plus it's only for one year...
Insurance - 3 Answers
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1 :
Honey if she comes to live with you, I'd be damn sure I had the proper parental consent, since you wouldn't be able to take her to the doctor for so much as a cold without that. And if it's only for a year, do her parents have insurance on her, then she would still be covered, otherwise you need to speak with an insurance agent. And I'd talk to a lawyer to make sure I've got the proper paperwork.
2 :
Ask your niece's parents if their daughter is covered by their health insurance. If they have health insurance for your niece, then you'll need a copy of her insurance information anyway to present to the ER or doctor's office. Whether they have insurance or not, ask them how they want you to handle the situation should your niece suddenly need unexpected medical care. Do they have backup phone no.'s they can give you in case of an emergency? Because the ER, first and foremost, is going to want to have a signed permission slip from one of her parents before they treat your niece at all (with the exception of a life-or-death emergency).
3 :
If it's through the courts, then most likely she'd be insured under the state children's health insurance program (welfare health insurance) just like any OTHER foster child. But if this is a private arrangement, the parents would have to keep her on their insurance, and give you medical power of attorney and guardianship (after all, without that, you can't even enroll her in school!). You cannot add her to YOUR insurance. Her legal guardian could ALSO buy a private health insurance policy for her - but if you are not her legal guardian, you can't even buy her a policy.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

How can you get your child off of a step parent's health insurance

How can you get your child off of a step parent's health insurance?
My child is on his step-mother's health insurance. She won't give me an insurance card so I have to pay for his RX and pay when I take him to the doctor. I want to get him off her insurance so I can get insurance on him myself. I have NO idea how she got his social security number because his dad doesn't know it. How can I have him dropped from her coverage so I can get my own on him?
Family - 1 Answers
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1 :
I don't know why you would have to drop him from her insurance. It seems that if he was sick or hurt you would take him to the dr. and have the insurance to cover it, the step mother wouldn't even have to know he was sick or hurt or went to the dr. I just don't see how him being on her insurance helps her, she has to pay for him to be on the insurance. Of course if he is visiting his father and something happens to him than the insurance she has on him would be helpful. You could also find out if having 2 insurances would pay for everything like he gets sick and the dr. visit is $100, your copay is $50 would her insurance pay the other $50 and vice versa if he was at her house?

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Monday, December 1, 2008

I want more kids, but health means I will have an only child. Any onelies out there? How do you feel about it

I want more kids, but health means I will have an only child. Any onelies out there? How do you feel about it
I always thought I would have more kids, but due to a very high risk pregnancy the first time around and some minor health problems, I doubt I will be able to have another one. My son is now four, and it saddens me that he may never have a sibling to play with. I don't really know any only children (either adult or child) and was looking for input from parent's of only children or adult only children. Thanks for the input.
Parenting - 8 Answers
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1 :
Have you considered adoption? No pregnancy, and you get to enrich and beautify the life of a child who so badly needs love. I understand your fear of an only child, I hate the fact that if I don't have more children my daughter will be alone when her father and I are gone. Give it a thought.
2 :
my son is also 4 and he is my only one. like you i thought i was going to have 4 kids!! well, it dosen't look like its going to happen for me either. my hubby already has 3 kids from previous relationships and so he dosen't want anymore. so my son does have half brothers and a sister but its nothing like a full blood one. i, on the other hand, grew up as an only child and it had its ups and downs. i would have liked to have a sibling to talk to but then again i liked all the attention i got!
3 :
well adoption isnt always a bad thing in situations like this. i am the only child and i personally love it cause i get the attention. i was spoiled but i grew out of that. i personally prefer to be alone. i have a yr old son and im ttc another one cause i do want more than one kid. i can relate cause i worry that i wont have more children to give him. but with adopting you can give him a sibling and love as if its your own cause in the end its almost is, a parent is someone who provides and nuture their children. whose there for them through thick and thin, and blood has nothing to do with it, its the essence of parenthood. so i hope you adopt. i want to adopt at least one child.
4 :
Your son is now 4 and you believe you can get one more, so it is fine by the Grace of God you will get. Be confident and keep your medicine continue. Trust in God. He will help you your pregnancy problem, its real and almost women do face. So don't be discourage and take care while taking medicine and during your pregnancy to avoid any ..... Follow strictly Gyne advises and do regularly. We are in advanced medical age and nothing is impossible. If God willing every thing will be perfect and you will have a baby.
5 :
Sorry to hear about your health problems. I'm not an only child, but I think there are pros and cons of both types of families. Don't worry too much about it. Getting pregnant and giving birth to a child that you created is an indescribably wonderful and amazing feeling. However, as someone else said, don't forget about adoption. There are plenty of children already in the world who are in need of a loving family. And in the end, it won't matter whether the child is biological or adopted - you will love him just the same.
6 :
If you really want a child that bad and you have really good doctors why not try just one more time. I have some friends who have health problems but with their female organs and they have been lucky to be able to have several children despite doctors telling them that it could kill them. I don't think there is anything wrong with an only child. I personally also have a 4 year old and I was fine with having just 1 child but as time went on I wanted another and I am pregnant again =)
7 :
i had a terrible time giving birth to my son 17 years ago my heart gave up twice , it had to be kickstarted and although at first i declared myself of having no more never ever . How true that would be because when our son was 5 we craved another but hospital advised us if i did give birth again my son would not have a mum as it would be too much on my heart so i gave up the idea of having any more and concentrated on our son instead .. he has grown up very loved , spoilt , (to a degree) and wants for nothing ..
8 :
I am mostly an only child, altho my dad adopted a girl when I was 7. I never had a problem with it at all. And I wasnt ever jealous of people that had siblings.

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