I was abused as a child could it be causing my health problems now?
I was starved and abused as a young child could it be the cause of health problems i have now?Ihave celiac,anemia,hyated hernia,acid reflux,curved spine,thyroid disease,and excessive liver bile.
Other - Diseases - 12 Answers
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1 :
No. All the problems that you describe can occur to people who have had no child abuse at all. Celiac disease is inherited. Anemia is current (are you eating enough meat?), acid reflux can be stress related, but heck, many people get it just from changing weight, curved spine is generally disease or genetics, thyroid disease is quite common, and I have no idea about the liver bile or the hernia. I have relatives who were abused. Most of their health problems are result of self medicating (drinking) or damaged joints from being beaten. One had kidney problems (pummeled on the kidney while young).
2 :
Yes these problems could be related to you being abused as a child. I'm sorry it happened to you. Hope you move on to have a happy, healthy life.
3 :
yes yes yes. from accumulated stress and anxiety. what are you eating what exercise are you getting? what relaxation techniques are you practicing daily see: askwaltstollmd dot com hypnotherapy-psychotherapy dot com
4 :
I would guess your health problems stem from your coeliac disease. Thyroid problems is part of it and so is liver and bowel conditions. I have Coeliac, am anaemic, have an under active thyroid, irritable bowel disease and was abused as a child also. All the abuse will do is mess with you mentally as it is a hard thing to overcome. I would suggest trying to have a positive outlook on your life from now on and take care of yourself. Eat right, drink fluids and try gentle exercise to lift your spirits. I have done this and it makes my days more bearable. Hope I helped.
5 :
The mind is very powerful....and stress is more powerful because it influences your thought patterns which can influence your behaviors which can influence your health in a multitude of ways that you may not have recognized. Depression involves physiological and hormonal changes in the brain which for extended time can have influence on other systems of the body.
6 :
You have a lot of bad "My Name is Earl." It is a show about karma. Either you were an abuser in a past life or there is no rhyme or reason in life like a cruel joke.
7 :
Yes!!! Most with chronic pain were abused in some way as a child. I get so angry because professionals say that "stress" word that makes us sound like we cannot handle stress. To the contrary. We are so strong and have more strength because of our childhood. We do not dwell on our past but the past haunts us. We let the past go but when lessons in life can be learned from our abuse, the reminders of abuse come out. There are support groups of many kinds. If you cannot find a positive support system that attempts to find professionals, treatments, diagnoses, ligature, and positive support, start one and you will never regret it. I am sorry but abused individuals normally want to help those who are in need. So, keep in touch and keep your faith. Healing comes only with our Lord.
8 :
To give you an accurate answer, it would be related to how much of the emotional responses you had at the time. Also, if you relive any of those events presently. Negativity never accomplishes anything constructive. Other than to redirect your efforts toward a different goal. When one considers we each have emotional responses each day, becoming aware each of those responses is recorded and stored within the mind. It takes no imagination to understand those things remain there until removed at the sub-conscious level. It cannot be accomplished intellectually. As most psychiatrists soon find out. Many of our negative thoughts will give negative orders to the mind and it makes no distinction between positive and negative orders. It will follow through with that order, to the detriment of the body. Evident to such a degree, many conditions can be directly attributed to those thoughts we present.
9 :
Hi Chef Look closely at the suggestions I make below (look at #4 especially), regardless of the health issue. If you do these steps below, you'll give the body time to heal the issue without having to digest meat. dairy, manmade chemicals, preservatives, etc. Education then action will heal the health issues. Here is a list of important health topics people dont realize or take for granted and thus causes issues. 1. stress = most of it is self induced. Even thinking and actually talking about negative means you attact more negative energy. Visualize and "Feel" a healthy beautiful body (end result) and you'll have it before you know it. Once the body breaks down from stress then its much easier to get sick or unhealthy for that matter. Obviously exercise helps manages stress tremendously! Remember what you focus on (negative or positive) is what you will attract in your life. This universal law is called "The Law of Attraction". 2. Lack of water. Drink a gallon of distilled water to hydrate the body and flush out the excess waste and toxins out of the blood. 3. Nutrition = this helps heal the body and will gives it energy to work on the internal issues. Mainly raw organic fruit and vegetables. If you only ate organic raw F & V for 7-10 days and drank distilled water you would see a change in your energy and be on your way to better health. Letting the body rest from digesting meats, dairy, and processed foods would do wonders for you. 4. clogged colon = Not eliminating the processed food and chemicals we eat every day will give anyone an illness and/or disease. If doctors we're actually taught this, our society would be much improved. DO a colon and liver cleanse to clear out excess waste and toxins in the blood. This will help heal any illness or disease. Best of health to you
10 :
I believe that our thought patterns appear in our physical realm. Acid reflux: fear; a strong belief that you are not good enough. Anemia: lack of joy; fear of life; not feeling good enough. Curved spine: the inability to flow with the support of Life; fear and trying to hold on to old ideas; not trusting life; lack of integrity; no courage of conviction. Excessive bile: fear, what is there that you need to "break down"? Hernia: ruptured relationships; strain, burdens, incorrect creative expression. Thyroid disease: humiliation.
11 :
There are many causes to the health problems you currently experience. However, anxiety as a result of abuse can absolutely exacerbate your symptoms or even have been a factor in your developing these physical problems. The mind and body are absolutely connected and science can't as of now explain everything. The abuse you experienced as a child could have weakened your immune system and inhibited important growth that takes place in the early years of one's life. Malnutrition and constant stress have proved to be a drivng force in the manifestation of many types of physical illness. I hope you are able to get proper medical and psychiatric attention! Feel Better.
12 :
I am sorry to hear that you had such a rough childhood. I sincerely hope that you are now beyond the reach of your tormentors. I hope that you are able to join a self esteem group to help you process your thoughts about your childhood and who you are now. I have read a lot of stuff about Celiac Disease. My husband was diagnosed with it earlier this year. Apparently, it is something that you can inherit genetically. However, not everyone who has the POTENTIAL to develop Celiac Disease will do so. Sometimes it takes a stressor to flip on the switch. The treatment for Celiac Disease is a commitment from you to remain gluten free for the rest of your life. That means don't eat anything that has wheat, barley, rye, or any of their derivatives. Your name indicates that you are a chef. Why not look at this as a challenge to find gluten free foods to make and sell to the other Celiacs in your community. Since 1 out of 133 North Americans have Celiac Disease, your experience as a chef and as a Celiac might be very lucrative for you if you decide to open a GF restaurant. The anemia and acid reflux can definitely be associated with the Celiac Disease. Once you get all the gluten out of your diet and get used to eating gluten free, you will hopefully find that you have less problems with acid reflux. My husband is currently taking iron pills to treat his anemia, which is why he was finally diagnosed. The curved spine could be due to malnutrition as a child. Also, Celiac Disease can cause a reduction in the amount of vitamins and minerals your body absorbs so it could be that you have a calcium deficiency because of this. The thyroid disease and the excessive liver bile I confess to know nothing about. I think you might want to consult with a gastroenterologist who specializes in treating people with Celiac Disease. I would also consult with a dietician. Don't forget to consult with a counselor. Take a holistic approach and treat your mind, spirit, and body in order to obtain health. Good luck on your journey!
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