Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is the impact of a child's cognitive and emotional health from a variance of socioeconomic wellbeing

What is the impact of a child's cognitive and emotional health from a variance of socioeconomic wellbeing?
What is the general transmission of socioeconomic inequalities in the development of a child's cognitive and emotional health? How is this tied?
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
it isnt tied.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

What health problems would make a child too ill to travel

What health problems would make a child too ill to travel?
I'm writing a short story. I need to know what a child could have that would make her too ill to travel to another country, so I need a health problem that would be quite significant, and possibly something that lasted for a number of months (in fact, something that rendered her unable to travel for years would be even better, if such a health problem exists). Please help, I really want my story to be authentic. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much.
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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2 :
Cancer is not contagious so aside from the stress I don't think anyone would step in and deny her a visa or airline ticket. Something like tuberculosis would do it. If the destination country was aware of the condition she would probably be denied a visa. Severe ear infection on an airplane is a very very uncomfortable condition but again, not really contagious. Any of the plagues would probably put a stop to travel, mumps, chickenpox etc but it wouldn't be anything with an extended time limit. I think tuberculosis is your best bet, especially if you want to stay reader friendly. A check on the web for communicable diseases might give you another choice or two.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child?
Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child? Please tell about the physical health, diseases, eating and sleeping condition of your child/children.
Parenting - 7 Answers
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1 :
Vaccinated No health problems whatsoever in any of my children.
2 :
vaccinated and perfectly healthy.
3 :
Vaccinated (except for swine flu and normal flu jabs). Totally healthy. Sleeps 12 hours a night. Fussy eater but getting much better now. He is 2.
4 :
Son was vaccinated on schedule...we believe him to be undiagnosed ADHD & chronic constipation, grinds his teeth in his sleep, very skinny/borderline under-weight though he consumes adequate calories and fat. When he is sick even with just a cold he gets super high fevers like 103 104 & even sometimes 105...He also had an issue with projectile vomiting when he was under age 1. He was a c-section, and formula fed. Daughter was on a alternative schedule...similar to the Dr. Sears book. No health concerns what so ever...She was also born at home without any drugs. No eye goop. and no Hep. B vaccine...Just Vitamin K. Exclusively breast fed for almost 6 months, before starting solids...also did not start her on grains, we started with squash. #3 is on her way, due in May. She will also be on an alternative schedule. Planning another homebirth.
5 :
My daughter had all the standard vaccines, and is now a robust 18. She had next to no childhood ills---rarely caught colds, and nothing that lingered. She had no food issues at all, slept through the night from 6 weeks (7:30pm-7:am) each day. She didn't nap...not ever...but I worked around that. And before someone decides that her "special need" came from a vaccine, she has a genetic anomaly...her father and I shared a recessive gene that was a one in 500,000 long shot, and is not tested for. She is now an honor student in her second semester of college, and no kidding, is working on her first novel. The only vaccine we have held back on is HPV. That has to be her choice, but I am only reluctant because they are not suggesting the vaccine for young men. I don't grasp the logic of vaccinating only half the population, and basing that choice on gender.
6 :
I have two children, ages 6 years and 2 years. They have never been vaccinated. They don't have any health problems, and take no medication, prescription or over the counter. They have never had an ear infection. At checkups with their family practice doctor, the doctor is always amazed at their exceedingly good health. They are also very smart and happy. They fall asleep easily at bedtime and sleep through the night. Both kids were born at home with no interventions. Both were breast fed for 2 years. Eating: Absolutely no artificial sweeteners. We never buy anything with artificial flavors or colors, or hydrogenated oils. They are sometimes exposed to those ingredients at restaurants and birthday parties. Diseases they've had: chickenpox(both kids) pertussis and swine flu (6 year old) measles (2 year old) "mstess," your kids got this these shots: (just DTP, MMR, and polio). Babies these days get these shots: As you can see, there is a huge difference between what your kids got and what babies get now.
7 :
Both of my kids were vaccinated. They are 29 and 30 now. They are the healthiest people I know. When they were small they both had chicken pox (there was no vaccine then) My son was quite sick and my daughter was fine and mad she couldn't go to school. My son has had strep throat once, and my daughter had 1 ear infection when she was six. That's it. They don't even get a cold. My daughter has been at the same job for over 12 years and never missed a day at work from being sick. Would they have been just as healthy if they were not vaccinated? I honestly don't know. I do know that my kids played outside all the time, and were not allowed to sit in the house and watch T.V. Our neighbours 2 girls hardly ever played outside. They watched movies inside all the time. They are the sickest family I have ever seen. They are the same age as my kids, and to this day are always sick.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child?
Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child? Please tell about the physical health, diseases, eating and sleeping condition of your child/children. You can assure me that I would not have to regret after vaccinate my child. But I already regret because of measles vaccine to my child at 9 months. Measles with unbearable fever occured on this innocent child. Condition was terrible than natural measles. It make irrecovarable physical loss of my child, which was a great mistake and tragedy in my life.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
Unvaccinated, and will never vaccinate my children. I have always been healthy, and have rarely gotten the flu. .I had the swine flu before the vaccine came out, but I still wouldnt recommend it to anyone that i loved or cared about. good luck in making your so very important choice!!!
2 :
I don't have my own child but I am a registered nurse and I work in pediatrics. The bottom line is, vaccines are TOTALLY safe and ABSOLUTELY necessary. When I talk about facts, I am talking about study after study from all around the world that all say that vaccines are safe, and have proven to be or they wouldn't be given! The most dangerous things about vaccines is that they make people forget how bad those diseases really are because we don't see them anymore. There was a time where mothers used to dread summer because that is when polio outbreaks would occur, millions of children sick every month paralyzed limbs, or on respirators. In the 40's or so it would be very common to grow up with someone you knew who wore leg braces or who had another disability, from polio! Now, are there any of these anti-vaccinators that could even tell you what polio is? Or what it does? No. And thats not all, do you know what tetanus does to you? We have all heard about lockjaw, but what about diptheria. whooping cough? We don't need to know because these diseases are unheard of! We take them for granted! People say well what about the MMR, who cares about that? Well mumps if causing a lot of fertility problems in men later in life because of the swelling of the epididymis that can be caused with a mumps infection; rubella can cause deafness in babies if the mother is exposed to it while pregnant. Shall I go on? I could go on forever, but I won't. I have given thousands of vaccines in my life, and have never seen anything but positive outcomes. It is such a small amount too. Such a little bit is needed to build up antibodies. And I have had all my shots (including this years flu and H1N1) and am happy I did. Don't listen to all these anti-vax people trying to scare you about reactions and autism, its all complete non sense. We live to be so much older and are so much healthier because we don't get the horrible diseases, and die as infants as we did in the past all because of vaccines. Get your child vaccinated, I promise you won't regret it. and by the way, for the people who say thier child is healthy and haven't had vaccines. That is because 100% of the people around them are all immunized, so there is no way for the diseases to spread to them. But, its is the unvaccinated people that keep the diseases alive. Ask India, they are dealing with massive polio outbreaks in the poorer, rural areas. riyad......Fevers are not dangerous, and they are not bad! That is what activates our immune system to produce antibodies. That is not a reaction, it is normal. And Lisa, I am well aware of the programs for set up by the federal government for injuries from vaccines. As I have said, I am a pediatric nurse so I have delt with it but you don't understand it. These programs are set up in case the maker of the vaccines accidently includes dangerous amounts of chemicals, or if there isn't enough preservative in them and they grow bacteria. THESE are cases where it was an injury directly caused by the vaccine. That is why the approval rate is far lower than 1 in 3, its closer to 1 in 15 which is about right because a lot of people think that certain things are reactions to immunizations are they AREN'T. Not to mention, this program was set up because vaccine programs and requirements are set up by the federal government so naturally they will have a fund set up in case something does go wrong since they are the one requiring most vaccines. Here is another bottom line. vaccines should be left to medical professionals, not lay people who don't have the first clue about then except what they are told by a bunch of nut jobs and thier own opinion.
3 :
I answered this same question in the Parenting forum. (Short version, my kids are not vaccinated at all, and are very healthy). "S.S." are you serious that you think vaccines are "TOTALLY safe?" The vaccine package inserts list many of the possible adverse reactions. The U.S. has set up VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) to keep track of vaccine reactions. You can search the VAERS database here: Also, there is the federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) that compensates people whose injuries have been proven to be caused by vaccines. "By 2009, nearly $2 billion had been awarded to vaccine victims even though two out of three plaintiffs are denied compensation." So, "S.S," if vaccines were "TOTALLY safe," why would the manufacturers list possible adverse reactions, why would there be a injury database, and why would there be a program that gives people money for vaccine injuries? riyad, I'm so sorry to hear about your child's injury from the measles vaccine. Edited to add: "S.S." that is very untrue that manufacturing errors are the only way vaccines can be dangerous. However, you have now admitted that you know vaccines are not "TOTALLY safe."

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child?
Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child? Please tell about the physical health, diseases, eating and sleeping condition of your child/children.
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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I do not have children, but I myself was given all regular vaccinations as a child. I am now an adult in fairly good health. I have a variety of digestive issues (IBS, GERD, lactose intolerance, and a corn allergy/sensitivity) and allergies, but aside from that I am in good physical health. Mentally not so well... I have bipolar disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and chronic insomnia. I have a rather high IQ though and no cognitive issues whatsoever. I do not believe my vaccination as a child has anything to do with the physical and mental conditions I have to deal with as an adult. Almost everything I have is familial - mental disorders have always been prevalent in my family, and IBS and allergies are also very familial for me.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child

Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child?
Are your Child Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? What is the health condition of your child? Please tell about the physical health, diseases, eating and sleeping condition of your child/children.
Polls & Surveys - 3 Answers
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1 :
my children were vaccinated they are healthy and 33 and 30
2 :
Vaccinated ,and everyone in my household was..and we're all 100% healthy..ok..aside from a little cold here and there..we're fine.
3 :
Vaccinated and in good health.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

What are some reasons why parent's are responsible for their child's health? Why


What are some reasons why parent's are responsible for their child's health? Why?
I need help, in my English class we're learning about childhood obesity. We learned that fast foods industries are not the only ones responsible for the increase of childhood obesity but also parents as well are responsible too. Why do you think they influence their child's health and sometimes contribute to their child's obesity problem if their child as it or not?
Parenting - 2 Answers
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Simple. Parents choose whether or not to feed their kids fast food and this sets them up with a pattern for the rest of their life. Parents are ultimately responsible for EVERY aspect of their child's health.
2 :
Do you seriously not know the answer to that? Because it's the parents job to feed their child. If the parent only provides unhealthy meals the child will be unhealthy and possibly obese. Which would be the parents fault! A child can't just go to the store and buy their own healthy meals. Maybe a teenager could, but not a child.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Are Dems reviving the Child Health Care bill, just to give the MSM a chance to print Bush "rejects" children

Are Dems reviving the Child Health Care bill, just to give the MSM a chance to print Bush "rejects" children?
It won't pass, but if it gives the papers a chance to say Bush and Republicans deny health care for children over and over again, it serves them a purpose. I hope people see through the deception.
Other - Politics & Government - 14 Answers
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1 :
Just read the responses you get on this and know that most little kids DON'T see the deception. You will see Olbermann's rant on this repeated verbatim on here in a few days.
2 :
Perhaps they're just tired of seeing their constituent families sinking into a financial hole because of lack of health care? And many, many Republicans support the S-CHIP, as well. It's just right-wing partisan goose-steppers that whine that it's "socialism" and regurgitate the lie that it covers "rich" families.
3 :
yes, its already started again "why do republicans hate children", "why do republicans want children to die" - give it a break, if the dems would push a bill that extended the current program bush would pass it, instead they are knowingly sending him bills that they know he will veto.
4 :
Why not? If Bush can piss away hundreds of billions of dollars for Iraq he can find money for children's health care. You're forgetting that there was a great deal of republican for the bill last time. The house was only 10 votes short of successfully overriding the presidents veto.
5 :
no dems are reviving it because it is a good bill
6 :
It's just the every-four-year scare tactics used by the Democrats over and over..."Republicans want the elderly to die in the streets," "Republicans want little kids on school lunch and breakfast programs to starve," "Republicans want to give more money to the rich on the backs of the poor," and now "Republicans want kids to get sick and die with no health care." The usual demagoguery, just a new schtick.
7 :
I think you may have a point. Look what went on with the wild fires this past week. ; )
8 :
Another good question is why they keep reviving all the bills that have been voted down - like the Dream Act that shows up more often than Freddy Kruger. I think they are pandering to a constituency who isn't supposed to be allowed to vote.
9 :
It is just playing politics, only this time it makes the Republicans look bad because it has to do with children. The truth is, poor kids do have health care and this program is a step towards poor quality socialized medicine. The people who support this bill have just made it into a emotional game.
10 :
Trust me, the people don't get it... All anyone has to do is read some of the questions on Y/A , let a lone the responses, to see how little people are willing to actually look at the facts... They could care less NO appropriations bill has been passed (first time in 20yrs!!!) VA days coming up and the Dem's are sitting on that bill.... Meanwhile people want to point at Bush when the Dem's new SCHIP bill calls for greater spending , less help for the ones the bill was actually written for (the poor),still includes children up to age 26(hmmmm.......)and includes households up to $80,0000. Bush said he wouldn't pass the last one.. Why would he pass this one... Of course this is all Democratic grandstanding with no thought or care for those it actually effects.... Nothing new.. :(
11 :
What deception? Congress passes a BI-PARTISAN bill, backed by a majority of the citizenry, and Bush vetos it, hence, he denies children health care. That's called, the TRUTH. It's pretty simple logic. Oh wait, I just used 2 words the retardicans don't understand...Logic and Truth. And please, bereal1 and the rest, read the bill. It doesn't grant benefits up to $80K for everyone! Only New York state requested special consideration for that threshold, and the bill allows the govt. to say "no" to the request, so it's not a blanket approval. Get informed!
12 :
Yes. They have become "Stark," raving mad! Bush must hate children because, according to the Dems, he wants to see their heads blown off. And you liberals still want to vote for these Democrat nutcases?
13 :
Why does Bush hate kids so much?
14 :
you bet ye, no child left behind either.

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