Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is there any research that shows plastic toddler beds can be harmful to a child's health


Is there any research that shows plastic toddler beds can be harmful to a child's health?
Thanks Neminly. I'm aware of the PBA issue, but guess what I'm asking is whether there is any research that shows cause for concern around plastic that is not used for bottles, food storage, utensils... Concerned about whether PBAs are known to 'off-gas' and therefore shouldn't even be used when as a child's bed frame. I've been unable to locate any research on this type of use.
Toddler & Preschooler - 2 Answers
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1 :
If it was im sure they wouldnt sell them.
2 :
There is a ton of research that supports that a chemical group in plastics, called phthalates, are incredibly harmful to a child's health. As a matter of fact, Thomas Jefferson Hospital, Seattle Children's Hospital, the Environmental Protection Agency and others are all stating that consumers should be aware of the results of the new studies regarding the association between phthalates and asthma, allergies, eczema and developmental disorders. In addition, phthalates are banned in Europe because of the results of the studies that show these chemicals cause human harm at current exposure levels. As a consumer, you don't have to be informed of the chemicals that make up a children's plastic bed. Some of the beds do contain phthalates. If you want more information, click my picture. If you don't, have a nice day.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You don't support the child health bill because 25yr olds will get it, but illegals getting it free is OK

You don't support the child health bill because 25yr olds will get it, but illegals getting it free is OK?
This country has gone insane! These people are worried about 25 year olds getting free healthcare and that is why they deny it Yet - this Government does nothing about our open borders after 9/11 and these 15,000,000 illegal aliens get our healthcare free all across our Nation every day and puts the bill on our hard earned tax dollars Yes, America has lost its mind and backbone!
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
25 year olds are not children, only US citizens should qualify.
2 :
I don't support the child health bill because its just another entitlement program that the government has no right to do!! And no one is denied HEALTH CARE!!
3 :
And the question is.... We should be giving health care to people that live in the united states that are citizens in the united states, not the illegal aliens that don't pay taxes because they usually don't use the correct name for themselves, or get paid under the table!
4 :
You don't have to be illegal to get free health care. Hospitals generally operate under the requirement that they must provide care. If you are legal and can prove your income is below certain limits, the hospital will charge off the amounts due. I don't think we need to create a government program that gives people in the $70,000 income bracket free health care just because they have 4 kids.
5 :
Nobody is "denying" anything. Anybody can purchase health insurance. It just has to be a priority is people's lives. Give up the cell phone, cable tv, satellite tv, new car in the driveway, LCD HD tv. People CHOOSE TO NOT HAVE HEALTH CARE. Nobody is denied it....
6 :
Illegals getting it is NOT Ok. And by the way, immigrants without health insurance comprise 86% of the increase in so-called "Americans" without health insurance.
7 :
We need affordable health care not more free. To the others above you are wrong.I cannot get health care when i can afford it because of Diabetes. Answer that for me.
8 :
I don't support any form of socialized health care and neither does the U.S. Constitution.
9 :
There are special cases a 25 and younger should get health care. The children going to school lose health care around 21 on their parents policy and the jobs they get do not offer health care. What do they do? They work for min wage and gosh forbid they get ill or just their annual checkup is unaffordable to pay out right. It makes me laugh though the govt still has them as dependents until 25 and have to use their parents income and can not qualify for grants. So either they are or are not dependents. I would have been happy to keep my children on my health policy while in school if I would have been allowed. Something has to change then. And yes I will be happy to help pay for any ones vaccines to keep me and mine safe even if it is an illegal citizen.
10 :
The 25yr olds included in this program represent only 1% or 2% of the total elegible participents. It's cherry-picking on the part of opponents to a program that has been successful in covering children whose parents make over the minimum requirements to qualify for other programs. This is not a brand new program, it's been around for 10 years but just now coming under the scrutinity of those people whom are against anything that the Democrats are for. It's too bad the children that need a program such as this are the ones that will suffer without it, all in the name of partisan politics.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Why do we have to pay so much to buy a house, car, child care, health care and a college education


Why do we have to pay so much to buy a house, car, child care, health care and a college education?
"Why do we have to pay so much to buy a house, car, child care, health care and a college education? Why can't these be either free or extremely affordable?" My friend, a staunch Obama supporter, seriously just put that as his status. REALLY. People really think like this???
Elections - 5 Answers
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1 :
Nice dream.
2 :
GOP rightwingnuts want us to ignore the cost of living and the cost to be educated AND they want us to donate what little money we have left to charities that they run so their heiress wives can have be on the board of directors and have something to do.
3 :
Because illegals come in a suck up the resources,border towns this is quite frequent where they just slip back home.Who pays the bill the hospital gives the gov.the gov of course.where does that come from?
4 :
5 :
Government regulations are the reason life is so expensive.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Should I make a living will or appoint a power of attorney for health care before the birth of my child

Should I make a living will or appoint a power of attorney for health care before the birth of my child?
I'm 23 years old, about to give birth to my 3rd child. I got a huge packet of healthcare information from the hospital that I will be delivering at. The ones I am having a hard time with are the ilving will and power of attorney for healthcare. I understand that if something goes wrong the living will covers the specific directives as to to be taken by caregivers, or, in particular, in some cases forbidding treatment. Te power of attorney for health care appoints a person to direct health care decisions if im not in a state to do so on my own. Should I fill these out? I know my previous pregnancys have been fine with no complications, should I be worried about something going wrong with this one? Just curious if anyone else has had to fill out these documents before?
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 5 Answers
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1 :
Everyone should have an advanced directive for health care and a living will, whether or not they're about to go into the hospital. It just makes sense to have your wishes known in case of a tragedy. Terri Schiavo didn't have anything written.
2 :
Are you married? At least in my state if you dont have a advanced derective the power of attorney is given to the spouse.
3 :
I filled out both when I had arm surgery in 1999. I was completely healthy, but I wanted to make sure those decisions were made by me and expressed to my family before I had the operation just in case of emergency. I filled them out again when I had my first child because I had moved to another state. I filled them out for the same reason. I know it seems morbid, but you really never know what's going to happen. One of my friends just died after being in a coma for a week from a series of strokes he had. He was 30 years old and nobody knew what to do with his care in the hospital because he never told his family any of his wishes regarding these matters and it was horrible for them.
4 :
Yes I have had to fill them all out. It isn't a scary thing ... yes it is hard to think that something "could possibly" go wrong ... but it is just a precaution ... wouldn't you hate for something to happen and your family not know what you wanted to be done. Not only did I have to fill those papers out for delivering my children ... I also had to do them again before I had surgery years later. Relax ... everything is going to be fine. If you are that scarred you can say a prayer and talk to the man up stairs:) Good luck to you and God Bless. *Btw I am only 26.
5 :
I think you could try both, but I think the best option is maybe the living will, because you can have your personal items and what not in care to the people who know you best, and sometimes the law doesn't always respect what the living know about certain things. Maybe because it wasn't written it isn't valid. You could also try a written will, I'm not sure what that goes under. Give a copy to your attorney and to your spouse maybe and also keep one in a safety deposit box.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

how do i check my unborn child's' health in between doctor visits

how do i check my unborn child's' health in between doctor visits?
i am about 12 weeks pregnant but i don't have another doc appointment. until dec. 1. im nervous because i've already lost one and i wanna make sure that this one is in good health so i wont sweat it in between my doc visits.
Pregnancy - 3 Answers
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1 :
the best thing to do is take care of yourself and relax, stressing may cause more harm and strain on the baby. just remember that 1 miscarriage does not in any way mean you will have another. good luck :)
2 :
The really good news is that if you are twelve weeks along, you are past the most common times for a miscarriage to occur. They certainly can as you are aware, but the chances of carrying a healthy baby to term increase greatly after the 12th week. I would focus on good nutrition, limiting stress, moderate exercise, and adequate rest. And pray! Don't hesitate to call you doc with any concerns you may have; they are there to help you. If for some reason your doc's office is too busy to discuss concerns with you it may be prudent to look for a provider who can take the time to address your physical and emotional needs.
3 :
There isn't anything you can do to check the health of the baby. All you can do is breathe a sigh of relief that you are going to be in your second trimester now. That is a huge milestone in pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage is drastically lower now. All mother's go through this, especially if they have already lost a baby. It is very stressful until you can actually feel your baby moving. Sometimes it is even hard to believe your pregnant at this stage bc your morning sickness is pretty much gone, you have more energy and you can't feel the baby moving as reassurance. But the only thing you can do is relax, take good care of yourself and wait for your next appointment. I don't recommend buying one of those machines from Walmart to hear your baby bc a lot of the time they don't pick up the heartbeat and if you are already stressed, it will just freak you out more. They aren't like the dopplers from the Dr's office, they are pretty much just a microphoned stethoscope Just try to relax. Soon you will be able to feel your baby moving, that will help :) Best Wishes!!!! LOL...who would thumbs down me for my answer??

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

What health and safety issues are there if you are a Child and Youth worker

What health and safety issues are there if you are a Child and Youth worker?
What could be health and safety issues if you are a Child and Youth worker? Please answer! I need this for homework!!!!
Etiquette - 1 Answers
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1 :
You could enter a home that is "beyond filthy" and even "unfit". You could be in a "situation" that is "dangerous". You could be with "criminals" and not even know it. Peace, Love & Happiness

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can a child under 26 who is NOT in school be on their parents health plan

Can a child under 26 who is NOT in school be on their parents health plan?
As of September 23, 2010 regulations require that insures allow parents to keep their dependents on their policy until they they reach age 26 or until they have a job where the employer offers health insurance benefits. Does that mean a child under 26 who is NOT in school be on their parents health plan? I know if they are in school the can be till they are 25.
Insurance - 6 Answers
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1 :
Actually, my insurance company threw my younger son off our policy when he turned 22, regardless of the fact that he would not graduate from college for another three months, so I don't know where you're getting the age 25 thing with that. The new law states that any child up to the age of 26 (which I assume includes 26) can remain on a parent's health care policy as a dependent. Where I work now, they told me sure, I could put my son on my policy--for $600/month. I'm going to check now to see if I can just get a family plan that would include him. He's now 24 and has had no health insurance since he turned 22 because his job does not provide it.
2 :
If you are on the plan now yes, if not you have to wait for open enrollment to join unless the plan allows it and most don't.
3 :
Before 9/23, the age limit was determined by company policy. After 9/23 - companies have to allow dependents on their parents insurance, at the next open enrollment period. Each company has to have open enrollment annually, so at the latest, it would be before next Sept 23. Additional information: - dependents can be covered until their 26th birthday. - they have to be single - they can't be eligible for insurance through their own employer - their parents have to allow them on the insurance - they don't need to be in school - they don't need to live with them Like the other person found out, if there is only one dependent being added on, it is usually cheaper for the dependent to get their own insurance.
4 :
Yes. There is no requirement for school. It is EXACTLY the same whether they're in school or not.
5 :
Can a child under 26 who is NOT in school be on their parents health plan? Yes. However, if you are not on your parent's insurance policy now you might have to wait until the anniversary of the policy before you can be added. Have your parents call the customer service number on the back of their ID card to find out how their insurer is complying with the new regulations.
6 :
Yes, as long as they don't "age off" the plan PRIOR to 09/23, they cannot be dropped. Even AFTER they "age off" the plan, they can be added back, during the next open enrollment. IF the parent wants to.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can a disabled dependent with "Green Card" status be claimed on Adult child's health ins as disabled dependent

Can a disabled dependent with "Green Card" status be claimed on Adult child's health ins as disabled dependent?
The parent has no income and will be claimed on my taxes. Parent is not entitled to any benefits here in the US and is not well.
People with Disabilities - 3 Answers
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1 :
ask either your HR department or call the insurance company.
2 :
On your federal taxes yes. Any person who is provided more than 50% of their living expenses from you and is legally residing here can be claimed on your taxes.
3 :
You might want to contact the nearest tax preparer.

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