Can people tell me about Why a child care provider must be in good health? Other - Education - 8 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : A child care provider is around children all day and if they are not healthy they may transport their condition to children, who have les of an immune system. 2 : So that they will show up to work every day and not make the people who are paying them to watch their kids miss work. 3 : You must be joking....? The provider must be healthy so that the children don't catch anything from him/her. 4 : Pretty obvious. TO TAKE CARE OF THE KIDS. If ur sick or disabled or u have a contagious disease then noone would want that type "taking" care of their child. 5 : Because they have to take care of a child. If they are not in good health, then what will happen to the child? For example, if someone is fatally ill, then they can not take care of anyone (especially if theyr'e dead.) right? 6 : Because they dont want the provider to drop dead or pass out with a bunch of kids running around all by themselves!!!!!! 7 : Child care is not the same as 'babysitting'. Today's childcare requires that the caregiver provide children with a rich program of activities which include cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skill building and development. Over 65% of today's children are obese....and we need to provide large motor activities that promote good physical health. Also, we are models of how to be, and being in good physical health is key. To be at our best, we need to be physically fit, mentally and emotionally stable, and knowledgable about children's needs, the world, and about life. Lastly, if you think good child care isn't physical, you're in the total dark about this occupation! It's VERY physically demanding! Prepare to lift at least 40 pounds over and over during the day, and sometimes more. 8 : One active healthy normal small child will exhaust even the fittest of adults...when it comes to keeping up with several youngsters on a daily basis, of course you need to be in good health mentally and physically, for your own sake as well as the children's.