Question about child health...serious answers please?
My daugter is complaining of burning when she pees. I figure it is a UTI, should I call the Dr., take her to the ER or wait till monday..she has no fever or anything.
Grade-Schooler - 28 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i would take her to a doctor
2 :
Take her to the ER. While a UTI may not seem all that dangerous, it's just plain mean to make her suffer all weekend.
3 :
take her to the er now!
4 :
UTI is a definite possibility. Call your doctor, and ask his opinion of what to do. The ER may be his or her recommendation.
5 :
Take her to the ER. Have you ever had a UTI? it's not pleasant, let's get her taken care of so she doesn't have to be uncomfortable all weekend.
6 :
Sounds like a bladder infection yeah i wouldn't wait i would take her in to the ER rather be safe then sorry.
7 :
I would take her in. Not a big rush but she be definently looked at no matter if it goes away or not.
8 :
How old is she? Does she drink alot of soda? I'd see how bad she is saying it is then decide, if it's bad enough go to the ER
9 :
get her some cranberry juice and call docs office tomorrow and ask them what u should do, they will have a 24 hour number on the machine
10 :
I would definitely call the doctor and monitor her closely. These type of symptoms can worsen quickly. If her symptoms increase in severity or if she develops a fever, take her to the emergency room.
11 :
does the pediatrician have an after hours line? i would call the normal line, maybe the answering service will pick up and you can have a nurse or doctor call you back. otherwise, if it was my son, i would probably make the trip to the ER. even if its nothing, i wouldnt take any chances. but like i said, thats me.
12 :
Call the doctor. There should be someone on call. Don't wait until Monday.....the infection could travel to her kidneys by then. Besides, UTI's are very painful. Don't let her suffer with that any longer than she has to. If your doctor wont see her tomorrow morning or at least call in a prescription of Cipro (or other antibiotic), then take her to the ER with a urine sample so they don't have to cath her to get one. Give the little sweetie-pie a hug for me.
13 :
take her they will most likely give her septra suspension and she will start feeling better quick. Dont make her suffer any longer because if you have had one then you know they are very painful. It is an infection and it needs to be treated
14 :
Sounds like a UTI, I agree. Go ahead and go to the ER, no reason to keep her in pain all weekend for your convenience (not meant as an insult, just saying). She'll thank you for it, I promise
15 :
Take her to the ER =XoXo=
16 :
Wait til Monday when you can call the Doctor but until then give her cranberry juice and cranberry pills, this should help flush it out. God Bless and I hope she feels better soon.
17 :
I think you should probably take her into a clinic tonight if there is somewhere open. If not try the ER and if it's ridiculously busy then take her in tomorrow. A UTI is really painful and she shouldn't sit through that until Monday.
18 :
Give her lots of water and cranberry juice. She will probably need a prescription for Bactrim if it is an infection. She may just be dehydrated and need the extra fluids.
19 :
Have her take a cool bath with no bubbles or irritants. It could be as simple as drinking a lot of cranberry juice. She may have a yeast infection and this will help. Do a google on yeast infection remedies for additional simple cures.
20 :
call the doc...... if u have a feeling its serious take her to the ER
21 :
Does your pediatrician have office hours on the weakend? If you can get her in in the morning, I would wait and take her then. You would probably still be sitting in the ER at that time anyway. If your Doc does not have weakend hours take her to the ER. A UTI left untreated can cause a kidney infection or worse. If she develops a rash or high fever take her right away. If you decide to wait until morning have her drink lots of water and cranberry juice. This will help dilute her urine and flush out the bacteria. The cranberry juice will make her urine more acidic which makes it harder for the bacteria to grow and multiply.
22 :
I would take her to the ER, it might be more than a UTI, it could be a kidney infection, kidney infections don't always present with a fever in the beginning
23 :
Call the Doctor and make an appt. unless she is in a great deal of pain, then I would go to the E.R. Yeah its expensive but it could be something other than a minor UTI.
24 :
If it is an infection you can have her drink LOTS of cranberry juice and tea. Also lots of water to help keep her system flushed. as for the outside burning some baby oil of Vaseline helps protect the skin. if it is not too bad you can take her Monday and it it is bad a lot of doctors are in on sat from 9 am to 11 am I had a UTI and was no fun, was pregnant too. if it sont go away in a day or two doctor visit would me my call. 2 kids of my own. hope this helps.
25 :
I'd wait until Monday unless there's blood. Kids get these all the time and it's usually just a yeast infection that's easily treated with ointment prescribed by the doctor. She'll be fine, but if you're not sure maybe your town has an ask a nurse program you can call. the number is probably in the phone book under doctors/ERs and they are certified.
26 :
Call her doctor's office. A visit to the ER is probably not necessary, and probably going to be a long wait on a Friday evening. There's probably a walk-in clinic they'll instruct you to take her tomorrow AM. Good luck. I've been there!
27 :
Take her do not wait, they are incredibly painful, I have had one and if they are left too long they can run fevers and it can turn into a kidney infection.
28 :
I would call doctor. Have you ever had a UTI? They hurt so bad. I do not know what it is called but maybe even if the doctor can prescribe what they do for the pain she can wait till monday so you dont have a huge er bill. Just tell the doc it is the stuff that turns your pee orange. He will know what you are talking about...tell him someone told you about it but didnt remember the name. I would not make her go through the pain all weekend though.
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