how much in child support i will have to pay after separetion, i make 1100 dollars a week?
i provide to the child health insurance, dental and vision i am planning to pay 150 a week no more than that and have my son on my day off saturday and sunday every week i think my ex want more than that
Marriage & Divorce - 8 Answers
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1 :
I assume you have a lawyer. You should have. The judge looks at both party's monthly income and your bills. He decides on a fair amount. If you do it without the courts things get messy as a woman could say you didn't give her anything. ALWAYS write a check and keep all receipts. Visitation also needs to go through the courts or you can go to get your boy, the wife can say "Not to-day." and you have nothing to fall back on.
2 :
What does it cost you now to support your son? Providing insurance is already in place so it will be expected to continue. It is generally a percentage of your income and that differs depending on where you live. I think your expectations are too low and that you need to seek legal support. Please always remember this is your son- take your anger about your ex out of your thoughts about this.
3 :
I make 2500 every two weeks Gross and for 1 kid i pay 600 every two weeks and the health insurance. and you will be doing well to have your son every other weekend. Good luck
4 :
You are paying for his insurance, child care, camp, lessons, clothes, food, etc. Your ex doesn't benefit - she uses that money to pay for all of the above plus books, school supplies, toys and everything else needed including toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo.... need I go on. Do you really think that $150/week for your child is going to make her wealthy or even get her nails done. Think again. This is your child we are talking about. A judge decides the amount.
5 :
Courts in most states award 25% of income as child support. Standard visitation is usually one evening visit per week and every other weekend. The visitation can be agreed upon and so more than that, but child support is a court ordered issue and there's not wiggle room there.
6 :
It depends on your States Law. You could have as much as twenty five percent of your income go to your first born. "A state utilizing the percentage of income formula sets the amount of child support as a percentage of the income of the parent paying child support. This percentage is determined by factoring the number of children requiring support. This is the most basic or primitive method for calculating support. Many people believe that it does not take into consideration many important details, which makes this model of support calculation the least exact."
7 :
The court will order alot more than 150 a week if you make 1100 a week. It has nothing to do with her "wanting" it, they take a % of your income, up to 25% for one child.
8 :
How many times are you going to ask this question?:: It depends on will you live..If you and the child mother have come to an agreement then great that is what you pay..But if she takes you to court they have a %chart that is based off of your income and it probably will be more then 150 a week..It would be nice if you and the mother can stay civil and come up with an agreement without using the courts here is a chart for you to go by .: http://childsupportcalculator.dhs.state.รข€¦
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