Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Information on child health plus for my daughter

Information on child health plus for my daughter?
I'm trying to get info on my daughter's health insurance that she gets through child health plus. I go to the website but I don't really see an information phone number for it. How does Child Health Plus work? I'm trying to get information on what doctor she's going to? I can't really get this information through my ex as she's really shady and keeps a lot of information from me. What I'm really trying to do is get my daughter's records sent to a local doctor that I know behind her mother's back so that I can take my daughter to a GOOD doctor and not some two bit medicaid doctor. I have insurance through United Health that my ex refuses to use as she has too much pride. Thanks
Parenting - 2 Answers


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1 :
You contact your county's Social Services department. Many doctors that accept medicaid also participate with private insurances such as United Health, so him or her participating with medicaid would not indicate that he is a bad doctor. In fact the insurances under CHP pay a monthly sum regardless of how many members show up so most doctors want to participate in that program.
2 :
Honestly I dont know how much info you would be able to get with all these laws of privacy.. I couldnt even get advice from my own doctor over the phone, lol.. I really think its great you want to make sure your child has the best care but I think the only way to go about this is try to reason with the mother or call county assistance where your child gets the medical and tell them you are willing to pay for child care and your ex wont allow it.. I know they would rather you pay it then the state so im sure they would be willing to help. Good luck

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can I get health insurance for my domestic partners child in CA

Can I get health insurance for my domestic partners child in CA?
Just a follow up to let you know that after inquiring with my company, I learned that they only consider same sex relationships as eligible for domestic partnership.
Insurance - 3 Answers
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1 :
~~There are no laws requiring this. It is up to your employer on whether this option is available to you or not.~~
2 :
Wow! that is a great question. I doubt it. Right now insurance companies are barely insuring domestic partners.But it never hurts to ask.
3 :
If your policy offers coverage for domestic partners and yours is required to cover the child, and he or she does not have other coverage, then you should be able to cover the child. However, domestic partner rights are still iffy, at best. Many employers will provide domestic partner benefits, but because the IRS guidelines for pre-tax benefits state that the spouse must meet the IRS definition of a spouse or dependent, they are considering the cost of the coverage as income. Simply, if you pay $25 a month for single coverage, and $125 a month for yourself and a partner who does not meet the IRS definition, you will have to pay taxes on that extra $1200 a year. It will appear on your W-2 as taxable income. You may want to look at the availability of a private plan for the child. Good luck!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

what is maternal and child health and its importance

what is maternal and child health and its importance?
please give me an answer or site regarding the question..
Homework Help - 1 Answers


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1 : this is a site that could be helpful The mission of the Maternal and Child Health Program is to improve the health status of children and youth, women and their families by providing technical and financial support to local community agencies, schools and voluntary organizations.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

What is a MATERNAL Child Health NURSE

What is a MATERNAL Child Health NURSE.....???

Newborn & Baby - 3 Answers
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1 :
maternal meaning maternity ... during pregnancy & labour child meaning um....child ... after pregnancy & labour
2 :
In australia they are people who after birth check how your baby is doing devlopmentaly and health wise and to also to check how you are doing. They are registered nurses. Maternal and Child Health nurses are registered nurses and midwives with additional qualifications in Maternal and Child Health and Community Health. Your nurse offers: A range of services through individual consultation, home visits and groups. Support and guidance to families while developing parenting skills. A service which actively promotes breast-feeding and recognises the special needs of mothers' health in their adjustment to parenthood. Assessment of child growth, development and behaviour at key ages and stages. Guidance and information on family health, immunisations, nutrition, accident prevention and child behaviour. Access to information on family and children services. New parent groups which give opportunity to meet other parents in the area and to share experiences and information. Interpreters to enable non-English speaking families equal access to the Maternal and Child Health Services.
3 :
We care for babies aged 0-5, doing their developmental checks, referral to other agencies if needed, support for the mother and family, give immunisations, provide information, co-ordinate care needed, do home visits, advocate for breastfeeding or educate on safe bottle feeding etc... We also organise and supervise play groups, give advice on every aspect of babies health care, or refer to someone who can if we are unable to, we organise and refer to paediatricians when needed, we organise audiology checks, make sure the mum is feeling okay after having her baby, and that every thing is going well.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Hawaii Universial child health care ending after 7 months

Hawaii Universial child health care ending after 7 months?
Have you read this article? Hawaii is now stopping their state universal health care due to people who could have had private insurance for their children but choose to use the free health care instead. It lasted only 7 months. I could only imagine what Obama's health plan will do to our Country if he is elected. Hawaii couldn't even last a year. To me this shows that this kind of health care will not work. What is sad is that this was only for children and it still could not work.
Elections - 8 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Check your facts, dear. Obama isn't offering universal healthcare.
2 :
Sign of things to come with Osama Obama!
3 :
I think especially in our economic crisis and until after these next four years I don't think he can do it. Maybe in six to eight but hang our hope on the maybes...did you know people could get dropped from their employer's insurance on Obama's plan as well?
4 :
Surprisingly, free health care works for most countries in the world. I guess we in the USA are just too greedy for it, if those not in need abuse it.
5 :
yep, if you taxed the rich 100% you still would not have enough to fund Universal Health Care, you would end up paying more than you are now and have poor health care in the trade
6 :
The program was intended to use federal funds from SCHIPS, but Bush killed that. What is sad, is that Republicans won't even get their act together for the sake of kids- unless of course they haven't been born yet.
7 :
Of course it will work!! He'll just distribute more wealth!!
8 :
Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here for your reference .

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Low cost texas child health/dental/vision insurance

Low cost texas child health/dental/vision insurance?
Where can I find low cost health/dental/vision insurance for kids in Texas.
Other - Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
make use of the SE like google or yahoo to get some ideas first if you want to get the massive information,however if you do not want to spend so much time,here is a direct and good resource for your questions.
2 :
I like this site for health insurance quotes You can get a bunch of them... and the quotes are pretty low,
3 : - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

If the US Govt offered a National Health Care system ("public option") for children only, would you support it

If the US Govt offered a National Health Care system ("public option") for children only, would you support it?
As in, they get rid of pre-existing state and federal child health care programs (like CHIP) and got a NHS-style system for everyone under 18. Since the bulk of the super-expensive specialized care (heart surgery, emergency reconstructive cosmetic surgery, etc.) have Adult patients, those things could stay through private insurers. But since child health care is comparatively cheaper, wouldn't it be better to have a government program for all those under 18?
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
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1 :
Perhaps, as long as parents are truly able to choose their doctor, if treatment is timely with no waiting lists, and parents are still able to opt out of certain treatments if they don't think they are in their child's best interest. It shouldn't be up to some government official to decide. It should be noted that low-income families already can get health care for their children, through Medicaid in its various forms. The problem is finding doctors who will participate, because Medicaid is burdensome. Especially in rural areas, there is a shortage of providers. Also, whenever the government runs a program, it is not run as effectively or efficiently as a privately-run program. And we certainly don't need more government paper pushers on the tax payers' dime.
2 :
First, Actually they already have programs in place for that. Second. No I wouldn't. I support no law that increases the size of a bloated government. The government can't run any type of entitlement program, or business. Proven by Social Security, Amtrac, Medicare, etc. etc. etc. I'm even uninsured, so I'm not " The insured guy telling other people no " Atheist.
3 :
Better than nothing I guess.
4 :
they already have that...the real question would be if national health care was forced upon the citizens of America...what about the illegals will this "reform" ease emergency rooms and costs from people who don't have insurance and who are here illegally...

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is it illegal to kick a dependent child off of a parent's health insurance in the state of Washington

Is it illegal to kick a dependent child off of a parent's health insurance in the state of Washington?
I am trying to find this information for my girlfriend; she's currently a student, so she's still a dependent. I'm almost positive that this can't be done, but I don't know where to find information that explicitly states this. Any help would be much appreciated.
Law & Ethics - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What is her age? Being a student has no bearing if she is over a certain age.
2 :
How old is your girlfriend? is she a full time student? Did the insurance require proof of certification to cover her on the plan? Was that proof of certification sent to the insurance company? Can they drop her? Yes. If they do not have any evidence that she is eligible to be covered, they can drop her. It's up to her parents to provide that proof.
3 :
1. She needs to be enrolled Full Time (3 classes or more) to be eligible to remain on her parents health insurance. 2. She needs to be under the age of 23, even though she's a student, age 23 terminates all parental insurance. She may be eligible for COBRA benefits if they've been terminated within the last 60 days. The last 2 answers are taking extremes and making them seem common. Disregard both of the last 2 answers, 99% chance they don't apply to you.
4 :
If you are over 18, being a student has nothing to do with it. Continuous insurance coverage for full time students is an option, not a right. After 18, you are no longer a dependent unless you are handicapped, and it has been determined by the courts.
5 :
1. Being a student does not make you a dependent in the eyes of the law or taxes, even if your parents still support you 2. Many insurance companies will allow you to keep a child on while they are considered a full time student, but it is NOT a law, nor a requirement. 3. If she is under a court order, like if her parents split up, they are only required to keep medical coverage on her until child support ends, which is 18. Sorry, but being insured is not a legal right, it is a privilege that we pay for with rules attached.
6 :
Thank you for answer, try this:
7 :
If she crossed 18,then she no longer cant be a dependent.

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