My sister has a 5 month old baby boy. She leaves him with random people, mainly guys to go party and get drunk. She doesn't work and muches of people to get by. She takes advantage of the government for food stamps b/c she refuses to work. Can CPS take her baby? There is a possiblity of drug abuse that she is doing and others she brings around her small child.
Newborn & Baby - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes they can take her baby away for that. somebody needs to call and tell them what is going on and your sister will have the option of the baby going to family or foster care until she can get her act together... just call
2 :
Neglect is the main reason. It covers things as leaving them alone, not watching them properly, using drugs in their presence, etc... Another reason is abuse. If you are worried you can call CPS annonymously. In fact, if you really fear for the child's safety, it's the law to call them.
3 :
Neglect, abandonment, endangerment, any of these could be reason for having the child taken away. If you can prove drug abuse, they will take custody of the child.
4 :
You need to call authorities right away that is more than enough grounds to take her baby away. Please do the right thing and call immediately.
5 :
Yes, CPS can take her but it would be best if a family member would stand up and take custody before that happens. A none working single mother can lose her child due to "being an unfit parent". Not to mention the partying and leaving the child with just anyone. I am in the same situation with my 19 year old daughter and am close to taking custody myself.
6 :
Yes, CPS can take her baby. She is being irresponsible and should give the baby up for adoption before he is harmed by her carelessness. Best of Luck
7 :
If there are drugs involved then there is a big chance CPS can take the baby but they can't take it for just the partying and leaving the baby with others. The only thing that can be done is call CPS and have them investigate.
8 :
poor child...please call them...
9 :
You should anonymously call cps on her and they can check it out.Or offer to take the baby from her.
10 :
YESSS CALLL ASAP!! its called child neglect it is you obligation as a human being if the child is in harms way that is neglect you dont want it to get to abuse please call i see children all the time who are being neglected its better to get them out of it as soon as possible.
11 :
Be careful what you wish for! That's an old saying, but it definately rings true in some instances where a concerned family member calls CPS about their beloved baby relative. Sometimes, unfortunately, what starts out as trying to make the baby safe ends up backfiring. CPS has placed children in the hands of foster parents that turn out to abuse the child, worse than whatever treatment it was getting at the parents home. Once placed into the foster system, it is difficult to get back out. My advice, offer to your sister to take the baby for a while... a couple weeks or months until she gets cleaned up and sober...
12 :
If someone calls up on her, they will investigate. They will take a drug test and if positive, theres a good chance the baby will be taken away temporarily until things are up to standard.
13 :
if her son shows outward signs of neglect then yes. if u have witnessed this behavior from her then yes. if she told u of this behavior then yes. call them and let them know that family members would be willing to take over guardianship of the baby. i just lost a friend who was doing basically what ur describing, her baby was only 5 wks old. i really feel for ur family having to watch this, but u r Not helpless to just watching. get involved now!
14 :
It is possible that they could take the baby but it is REALLY hard to get a parent to lose custudy.. right now, it is your word against your sisters.. And even if they did see something wrong, they wouldn't jump right to taking away the baby... you see all the news stories about babies ending up dead? Yeah, because if social services jumps right in and takes the baby out of the home and there is nothing wrong, they're subjecting themselves to many lawsuits... Still, I recommend calling and informing them of this but be prepared for a long battle of trying to get the kid away from your sister - my family has been trying for TWO YEARS to get my neice away from her mother who has done things like..oh.. let her boyfriend molest my neice and her older sister... and that was proven, but since the guys in jail, they don't see any reason why her mother should not get to see her at least part time.. The system is ridiculous.
15 :
Now that you know how your nephew is being treated and know of the enviornment in which he is being subjected to it is "your duty" to call CPS and ask them to investigate the situation. You are "his Auntie" and "he needs you" to be sure he is safe and secure. Just be sure to consult CPS before doing anything (unless you witness propable harm---then take him to a safe enviornment right away!) so that all will work out best for yor nephew. By doing this you might even be helping your sister become a responsible parent as well as an eventual responsible citizen. I can remember a similar situation when I was a teenager. A young girl that my mother had helped raise from time to time began doing hard drugs and my mother got word that the young girl and her friends where making the baby drink beer and take hits of marijuana for their entertainment. So my mother went and got the baby, saying that she just wanted to babysit for the day and as soon as the young girl and her friends left the apartment we went in and gathered the babies things and took her home with us and kept her until she could be placed safely with a family member of the young girl. My feeling is that whenever one is aware of abuse and/or neglect of a child they must step in and do what is best for that child---even if it means calling CPS and having the child placed with a responsible adult or in a "safe house" while the investigation is being conducted. Please be sure your nephew is safe and secure. He will forever love you and respect you for having the strength and courage to step in at a time in his life when he was too little to do anything to help his self. I wish I could do more---thank you for soliciting for advice and direction toward assuring your nephew to have a better chance at having a happy, positive successful childhood. Love you for what you are doing---Tillie
16 :
I can not understand at all how one could behave that way after having a child. I myself was told I could never have kids. I used to enjoy the night life, and drinking and smoking. The second I found out that I was pregnant it all stopped. Well now smoking resumed, but rarely and only when I am no where near my son. I would sit her down have a serious talk with her, if nothing changes call CPS. I know it can be hard since it is a family member. I have been there. It made my family member straighten up when I did call. Good luck in this hard situation.
17 :
babies need love and almost constant attention; if u feel like he is in danger or being neglected, again REPORT IT NOW, and you can do it anonymously....
18 :
Random strangers sexually abuse babies. Or throw them across the room to make them stop crying, Or give them drugs or alcohol to make them go to sleep. This childs LIFE is in danger! Call CPS or the police before it's too late.
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