Friday, January 28, 2011

How would a child's intellectual health/development be affected if they did not go to primary school

How would a child's intellectual health/development be affected if they did not go to primary school?

Primary & Secondary Education - 5 Answers

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1 :
Most likely social skills would be a problem
2 :
Are you talking about not having a primary education at all, or simply not going to school? I have been a combination of home-schooled and self-taught most of my life, and I consider myself to be pretty much okay by most standards. (My strange appearance in the image to the left notwithstanding). Edit: After reading some of the other replies here, I'm very curious if any of the other respondents have ever home-schooled a child through primary school - or even _met_ a child with such an education. I can assure you the effects are not so disastrous as our societal machine portrays. The primary consequences of home-schooling are horrible things like being challenged even if you are gifted and not experiencing the social atmosphere of having your lunch money stolen by bigger kids.
3 :
Im taking a guess that it would be pretty bad because primary school pretty much teaches the basics that you need in life, high school teaches the same stuff but harder im guessing it would affect the childs social skills also
4 :
I think it would be great! The little boy wouldn't be bullied. Let's face it. The teacher can't be around all the time. I wish I never would have been exposed to bullies and creeps at such a young age.
5 :
Personally I think all children need to be stimulated by people and different environements. Your child if it stays home will not know how to socialise properly with other children, which as a result will make them less confident.. They will probably get bored of the same surroundings if stayed at home, unless you took them on a 'school trip' type thing every week or so..

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Monday, January 24, 2011

I want to be a child health advocate/volunteer. What do I need

I want to be a child health advocate/volunteer. What do I need??
Now, I dont want this as a career. I want to volunteer. I want to go around to local highschools and teach to them. I am still somewhat young (25). Dont you remember all those guest speakers you had in school? I want to teach them about AIDS, sex, pregnany, Love, STDS, All sorts of things that kids nowadays usually ignore. Do I need any special certification??
Parenting - 2 Answers
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1 :
Schools aren't going to let just anybody come in and be a guest speaker, specifically about the topics you mention. If this is something that is important to you, why don't you make it a career, or at least incorporate working with young people into your career in some way?
2 :
You need to remain in your college and when your older you may qualify for this sensitive, serious position. But , from reading your questions, I don't think you would fit in , for this job with Children. The School systems have plenty of Education classes, that you refer too. Why don't you volunteer at a Church food program. Where they feed the poor and distribute food to the needy? Help distribute warm coats for all the down trodden families. You could volunteer to distribute Meals on Wheels for the elderly. You won't need a special certificate to do that. Or the Salvation Army needs bell ringers. The list goes on and on. ( Pregnancy)

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

If you had precocious puberty as a child, will that affect your health as an adult

If you had precocious puberty as a child, will that affect your health as an adult?
I suffered from a form of pseudo-precocious puberty as a little girl. Breasts started developing at the age of five, but no pubic hair until 9 or 10. This was very hard on me in childhood. But, what I want to know is can you have heart disease, arthritis, etc early as an adult? I've had high blood pressure since i was 18.
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers

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1 :
i dont think so
2 :
You are a nurse ( saw your profile) and you are asking Yahoo! panel of professionals-NOT, this question? Ask one of the docs there. Or consult one!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Does Obama want Universal Health Care because America has such a high Child Mortality Rate

Does Obama want Universal Health Care because America has such a high Child Mortality Rate?
America has a higher Child Mortality rate than socialist countries. Even Malaysia has a lower Child Mortality Rate than America. Does Obama want Universal Health Care because America has such a high Child Mortality Rate? and McCain doesn't want Universal Health Care because he doesn't care?
Politics - 13 Answers
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1 :
It's sick that the Republican Party won't spend a dime to support pro-life inititives such as Social Security, S-Chip, and national medicine but is more than willing to put Wall Street on the dole. Sick, Sick, Sick
2 :
Since Obama has made it quite clear that he doesn't want a woman burdened with a child - I doubt the infant mortality rate was ever considered.
3 :
Yep...Obama loves babies and McCain hates're spot on. Just look at how they vote on abortion for your answers. Obama definately wants to lower our infant mortality rate. You're right susie...I'm such a hick. I beat my wife daily. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics shows 4,315,000 births in 2007 and the US infant mortality rate was 6.4/1000 that year. 4,315,000/1,000*6.4=27,616 infant deaths in 2007. There are about 3,700 abortions everyday in the US. That equates to 1.37 MILLION per YEAR, the most extensive compelation of abortion information I have found But what do I know right susie?
4 :
McCain doesn't care about children. He's a baby killer. He abandoned his own children to whore around and party. What a disgrace.
5 :
It's so Christian of the Republican party to not support helping out your fellow man. And oh my god, TG is an idiot. You can tell just by looking at him. "Back to eating beef jerky and scratching my butt while beating my wife..."
6 :
that is laughable. obama is for killing babies AFTER they are born
7 :
I don't know that universal health care is going to be much help to crack and AIDS babies. Harsh facts. Our mortality rate is due at least in part to bad life choices by the mothers. Are other factors in play like poor pre-natal care for avoidable complications, you betcha. Clinics are already available for people who are willing to inconvenience themselves enough to get there and wait to be seen. How many rejected artificial inseminations and implantations are in your numbers?
8 :
The US counts all births as live births. Other countries do not count very low birth weight infants, and those infants who otherwise are not expected to survive, as live births.
9 :
states have health care for kids numbskull counting abortion what is our child mortality rate?
10 :
Infant mortality rates are skewed. It all depends on what you consider a "live birth". From the following link: "U.S. infant mortality rates (deaths of infants <1 year of age per 1,000 live births) are sometimes cited as evidence of the failings of the U.S. system of health care delivery. Universal health care, it’s argued, is why babies do better in countries with socialized medicine. But in fact, the main factors affecting early infant survival are birth weight and prematurity. The way that these factors are reported — and how such babies are treated statistically — tells a different story than what the numbers reveal. Low birth weight infants are not counted against the “live birth� statistics for many countries reporting low infant mortality rates. According to the way statistics are calculated in Canada, Germany, and Austria, a premature baby weighing <500g is not considered a living child. But in the U.S., such very low birth weight babies are considered live births. The mortality rate of such babies — considered “unsalvageable� outside of the U.S. and therefore never alive — is extraordinarily high; up to 869 per 1,000 in the first month of life alone. This skews U.S. infant mortality statistics. When Canada briefly registered an increased number of low weight babies previously omitted from statistical reporting, the infant mortality rose from 6.1 per 1,000 to 6.4 per thousand in just one year."
11 :
Definitely one of the reasons but not the only one... Chris I
12 :
What a biased and loaded question. BS, you are not Lincoln and you are not a Republican. Comrade Obamba wants universal health care because he is a socialist who wants all of his people sucking off the govt teat. America has a high infant mortality rate because we allow millions of poor people to come to this country every year and get free birthing for their babies. They come over the border by the hundreds of thousands from Mexico, to give birth in the USA. If we didn't allow so many poor to enter our country every year, we wouldn't be rapidly turning into a third world country. You can keep your socialism, comrade Abe. Deport the invaders, reduce immigration, and this country will be much better off! Comrade Abe, Harry K just kicked your but!!!
13 :
Barack Obama would love universal healthcare because it would expand the government's control over one more aspect of our lives. John McCain opposes it because in a universal healthcare system we would be paying more money, for less quality...SEVERELY worse quality. I've personally heard people who live in European countries and Canada talk about their healthcare systems and they say that ours is by far the better choice. People in Canada are crossing the border to have operations done because the waiting lists are so long in their own country, they'd never receive care.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

why is important to inform the school of the changes in a child's health status

why is important to inform the school of the changes in a child's health status?

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers

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1 :
Your child's teachers should be aware of what is impacting his or her education. For example, I had a student earlier this year that I knew something was off about him, but couldn't put my finger on it. Turns out, he had been having seizures in my classroom (not the major kind) and I had no idea until the mother told me a good month into the school year. There are so many outside factors in learning- health is just one of them. Teachers have to be aware of what might be causing your child's performance to drop, behavior to be less than acceptable, or just to let you know of any important changes or reactions we might see. We have your kids for eight hours a day, 180 days a year. Why wouldn't you want someone who has that much influence over your child to not know something is different- it could even save their life!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

How much does it cost a good health insurance for a family with a child in the USA

How much does it cost a good health insurance for a family with a child in the USA?

Other - General Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
Insurance cost depends on where you live, what type of coverages you request, how many are on your plan, your deductible, etc. For a family of four so, you may pay anywhere from 800-1000 dollars per month. There are a very different variables that will determine your cost. You can do a search online for health insurance coverage in different websites can give you different options on what to choose from and their prices.
2 :
The cost of insurance depends upon previous health problems, amount deductible you want for each dependant, what type of coverage you want such as a limit of $10,000 per year per family member (Primary Care Only) from Physicians--no hospital coverage. This cannot be answered without knowing what you want.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

. Teri Schaivo or the 12 yr old child health care speaker

Teri Schaivo or the 12 yr old child health care speaker.?
Which of these two political devices was the most shameless.
Politics - 3 Answers

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1 :
Speaking of healthcare:;_ylt=AmNTSIllZVolXmUEcu..RW3Y7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20071012095538AAaolxK
2 :
I think the 12 year old. It's hard to attack a message put forth by a 12 year old and not appear to be an awful person. This makes the message somewhat unapproachable, your best courses of action are to risk looking like an awful person, or ignoring it. I suppose Republicans could always try and find some 12 year old advocating that their parents always do their best to take care of them (like elect to purchase health insurance when they own the family business). Schiavo also wasn't use for election / platform purposes. It posed a legitimate question as to what legal options are available in a situation like that. Both sides had decent arguments.
3 :
12 year old health care speaker. Because he isn't going to tell you about the plan to cover 23 year old people and someone making 80K/ year or how he wants to raise your taxes on gas by 50 cents a gallon to pay for it. Never mind that it will be covering the illegal aliens too.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Republicans: Should every child in America have health care

Republicans: Should every child in America have health care?
Or should they only be covered if their parents can afford to pay for private health care? I meant a federal program. Not run by each individual state. Federally funded not state funded. You do know the difference right? 60% of people living in poverty are not eligible for medicaid. Have you ever seen an emergency room visit bill? Obviously not. They are not cheap.
Politics - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Especially Anchor Babies
2 :
Medicaid. It is in every state already... and funded by the federal government!
3 :
YES! Oh, wait, I am not a Republican.
4 :
I wish every parent could afford health care for their kids. However, if they cannot, that is no reason to tax others to provide health care. So, my answer is a resounding no.
5 :
Republicans dont care about other people.. they just want to make sure that THEY are covered.... they couldn't care less about a "stranger"
6 :
next time you ask them that question, include this: “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto ME� – Jesus
7 :
Only if they can pay for it.
8 :
Have you ever heard of State Medicaid? The states already provide this. Your question is so stupid. Just because we oppose nationalized healthcare you act like we are crazy. The constitution provided for the states to run their own system. I don't have a problem with that. If there is a program run by each state, as you acknowledge, your question makes no sense. Kids are getting healthcare already. You are stupid. No offense......nice try with the whole "vilify republican" thing you got going...but this one is an epic fail. Did you know there is a difference between federal funding and federal control?
9 :
Yep! And especially those who have 7 kids before the age of 20.
10 :
I think there is already a system provided. "your state" kids. Like for example. for oklahoma, OK kids. Arkansas AR kids there is one in every state.
11 :
12 :
You republicans are idiots.
13 :
I don't believe in socialized medicine, no matter the cost. I am sorry, but I am not going to fall into this trap. Medical Insurance is not a right. Though, if Hospitals and Doctors wanted to be charitable in nature, they could provide free or drastically discounted medical care to children on their own. But that would be their decision to make, not the government's.
14 :
If the states have it already (which they do), why do you need a federal program?
15 :
I want you to show where an American child has been 'turned away' from getting needed health care! Isn't that why the Democrats were so wild about 'SCHIP' ? Now after all that tax money has been allocated to the program you're trying to say that the Democrats Lied! Questions like this make me want to grab that scrawny neck and squeeze till the eyes bug out!
16 :
Yes. Every child should have health care---and they do now. No one can be turned away from an emergency room. Parents are responsible for paying for the health care of the children they choose to have. As far as health insurance to cover unexpected medical costs, I believe that parents should be responsible enough to carry it for their children. As far as people who "cannot afford health care" we already have programs to cover those living in poverty (Medicaid), those who are disabled (Medicare), and "children" up to 30 years old and who earn up to $70,000 (SCHIP). Edited to add: Do you have a reliable source for your claim that 60% of people living in poverty are ineligible for Medicaid? I'm interested in reading it. In my state, you are eligible for Healthy Start & Healthy Families program at 200% of the Federal Poverty level. Since everyone earning 200% of the poverty level is eligible, I don't understand how 60% of people living below the poverty level can be ineligible.

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