Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Prez just slapped a veto on the child health care bill! I thought Republicans are ppl of Christ

The Prez just slapped a veto on the child health care bill! I thought Republicans are ppl of Christ???
why would he do that if he is a born again Christian? but then is asking for gazillions of dollars for a war?
Religion & Spirituality - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is, of course, the same guy who said that God told him to invade Iraq. Are you really that surprised?
2 :
I would rather see a sermon than hear one.People can say anything.
3 :
It's better to Bomb Iraqi Children than to give American children healthcare?... hmmmmm
4 :
The president vetoed the bill because it expanded the child health care bill to extend it to people who earn up to 80 grand. If a parent that makes 80 grand cant prioritize their childs healthcare as a top expense then blame the parents if their child isnt insured. The fed gvt has NO business, esp no constitutional business providing healthcare benefits to anyone, let alone people that make more than enough to provide healthcare to their own children. Bush vetoed the ability for people to leech off the american taxpayers when they are in no position to leech.
5 :
Religion has no party. America elected him - not once but twice. He is in office until 2008. Let him do his job until then. Then America will vote on someone else. And the madness will continue.
6 :
First, this is not the politics section. Second, I don't know if he's a "born again Christian" or not. Third, two of the reasons he vetoed it are the 30 billion dollar yearly price tag and the fact that it would extend coverage to people making $80,000 a year. I'm all for helping poor children get health insurance. I'm not so sure that people making $80K qualify as "poor". If they do, then I guess I'm destitute.
7 :
this aint a question ,more bush bashing.the chikd care bill sucked, be glad they did fool
8 :
All I can say is, you will know a born again Christian by their fruits. I cant judge anyone's beliefs, however his fruits seem fairly rotten. Where is our country's priorities? Sad. EDIT: Read a bit about the bill, doesnt sound like the best thing in the world really, however he has made horrendous decisions on many other things
9 :
I guess it's because he needs those children to continue to live in poverty so they will grow up and join the military and they can become cannon fodder. It's not the rich who are sacrificing their children to this war even though they started it. They want the poor to fight it for them.
10 :
Only he can answer to God for the things that he does. But what makes you think that republicans are people of Christ? Because they say so? Look to peoples actions as well as to their words, and you will know Gods people from those who just say they are.
11 :
It's simple, really. Republicans are opposed to collateral benefit but in favor of collateral damage.
12 :
Call it what it is. It's the Republican Big Lie coming home to roost. The Big Lie of course is that that raising taxes is bad for the country ;It's not Sometimes raising taxes is good for the country because it insures that the stuff that that the country needs to buy has a source of funding that doesn't involve borrowing money and the interest that comes with that process. So Mr.Bush has a basic accounting problem . Even with borrowing money his revenue will not cover his expenses . He cannot increase his income so he has to cut his expenses. He can't reduce the expenses of his horribly misguided little war so American children get to suffer due to the extreme incompetence of their President
13 :
"if" he is a born-again Christian...i strongly suspect that dubya's religiosity and public piety is just another campaign gimmick-i have seen nothing remotely Christian in his policies or his actions...he worships money and power, and is a faithful servant of both...face it, the last Christian (as opposed to 'christian') president we had was jimmy carter, and the self-righteous right did all they could to destroy him
14 :
Politicians will be politicians will be politicians. Bush says what he thinks will get the votes of the Christians of the gullible variety...IOW, he courts the naive ones.
15 :
The bill classified someone as a child up to the age of 25 years old. The bill will be passed with increased spending, but not for 25 year olds. The Dem's put things in the bill so it would get vetoed, and they could then lie about it, for political reasons.

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