Saturday, June 4, 2011

Health wise how long should I wait to have my 2nd child

Health wise how long should I wait to have my 2nd child?
I had my 1st baby a son a little over 2mo ago. I do not plan on getting pregnant again anytime soon, but is there and time when it is more healthy to have your 2nd? Thanks. I also had an emergency c-section.
Pregnancy - 6 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Doctors say at least a year. Especially if you had a hard pregnancy and a rough delivery.
2 :
I agree, doctors recommend a year.
3 :
my lamaze instructor said that you should wait at least 6 months prior to trying to conceive after giving birth.
4 :
you need time to rest and heal from your first. it takes about a year. altho my aunt was popping them out 10 months apart from each other. she had 7 in a row.
5 :
Doctors say about a year, My sister had her babies only nine months apart, three babies, all c-sections. Everything went fine. But every womans body is different.
6 :
It would depend on your situation, but my children will be 18 months apart (my daughter is 9.5 months old, and my current pregnancy is 8 weeks advanced). I had a c-section with my daughter, and the GP told me that a pregnancy now is very safe for me, as long as I don't actively labour.

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