Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am for health reform, pro-life, believe in executing murderers and child rapists, and Christian

I am for health reform, pro-life, believe in executing murderers and child rapists, and Christian?
Why do most people want to label people who are for health reform pro-abortion atheists? Does it make them feel better, to label that way, because there is no justification in keeping our health care system the way it is now.
Politics - 2 Answers
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1 :
Change for the sake of change is not good change. You can dislike our current system but you had better look at what they're talking about. The government doesn't like us and want to be our friends. I don't label people as atheists, they do that themselves.
2 :
Simple stereotypes. Sort of the same concept as believing that everyone who lives in Texas wears cowboy clothes all the time.

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