Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is there any research that shows plastic toddler beds can be harmful to a child's health


Is there any research that shows plastic toddler beds can be harmful to a child's health?
Thanks Neminly. I'm aware of the PBA issue, but guess what I'm asking is whether there is any research that shows cause for concern around plastic that is not used for bottles, food storage, utensils... Concerned about whether PBAs are known to 'off-gas' and therefore shouldn't even be used when as a child's bed frame. I've been unable to locate any research on this type of use.
Toddler & Preschooler - 2 Answers
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1 :
If it was im sure they wouldnt sell them.
2 :
There is a ton of research that supports that a chemical group in plastics, called phthalates, are incredibly harmful to a child's health. As a matter of fact, Thomas Jefferson Hospital, Seattle Children's Hospital, the Environmental Protection Agency and others are all stating that consumers should be aware of the results of the new studies regarding the association between phthalates and asthma, allergies, eczema and developmental disorders. In addition, phthalates are banned in Europe because of the results of the studies that show these chemicals cause human harm at current exposure levels. As a consumer, you don't have to be informed of the chemicals that make up a children's plastic bed. Some of the beds do contain phthalates. If you want more information, click my picture. If you don't, have a nice day.

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