Saturday, June 28, 2008

How do you get out of a rental lease when you feel your health and child's health is at risk


How do you get out of a rental lease when you feel your health and child's health is at risk?
I moved from out of state for a new job only to discover the apartment I chose is located next to a nuclear plant, toxic dump landfill, and chemical plant. I am 7 months pregnant and have found startling statistics of rising cancer rates in the area and major complications from pregnancy related to the toxic zone. Anything I can do to get out of my lease and protect my health and my new baby's health? I signed a 13 month lease as of January of this year. Thanks! Yes, I had to do everything online and over the phone since I was out of was brand new and actually quite expensive for the area....i had no idea there were 2 cooling towers in the distance till I showed up with the moving truck! Bad Suprise!
Renting & Real Estate - 6 Answers
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1 :
What? You didn't see these things when you first moved in? Unless you can prove those stats and your rentalsman agrees, you're stuck. Unless you can find someone to take over your lease, and then you go to talk to your landlord showing that you have found someone. They may let you out without penalty.
2 :
As far as I know nothing.. pay the break a lease fee. Call a lawyer, free consult thing - they may know something. good luck
3 :
If there is not a good reason why you did not know this information before, other than you just weren't aware, I don't really think there is a way to get out of the lease without paying what the lease asks for breaking it. Sometimes, there are loopholes for the first 30 days. You can see if you can sublease, or see if they are willing to only have you pay rent until they can find another renter. Or you can move, refuse to pay your rent and see if there is a class action law suit against the Nuclear plant, landfill and chemical plant that can pay your rent and all the costs associated with not paying your rent. (Go Erin Brochovich) Overall, I just don't think the apartment owners will be responsible for the fact there is a nuclear plant, landfill, etc... near their property. If anything, that has caused their property taxes to go way down and your rent to be comparably low.
4 :
probably not if there is nothing wrong with the air or water that you can prove - most damage is caused by long term exposure to toxins, you and your child will most likely be just fine, just stay alert and let your doctor know your situation
5 :
First off get out of there, your baby's health and yours are the most important things. If you don't have a lot of money then go to a shelter or a church away from danger. Talk with your landlord and see if you can get out of the lease agreement. Explain your concerns to him/her and see what happens. If that fails go to the local county courthouse and see if they can help. Talk to your local Church and see if they can help you out. Good luck May God bless you.
6 :
There is very little you can do to get out of the lease. If there are DOCUMENTED severe health risks for the immediate area (read: your specific complex) you may be able to. On the subject of a penalty: If you move out before your lease ends, the landlord has to make a reasonable attempt to re-lease the apartment. Starting on the DAY that he starts collecting rent from the next tenant, you are no longer liable for any rent (i.e. the landlord cannot "double dip").

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What do you pay for your child’s health insurance

What do you pay for your child’s health insurance?
I’m curious what the rates are for those of you that have coverage for your kids. What do you pay monthly? What is your copay? And does that cover prescriptions? Also, where do you live? (The state is fine – just curious about the going rate) YAY Busy Mommy! I know how much of a relief it is to have the deductible met!
Parenting - 9 Answers
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1 :
I pay nothing. The cost doesn't go up to add another kid to my hubby's insurance. We were already paying the family premium for me being on there. Copay is $10 for doctor, $50 for ER, 20% for hospital stays, covers prescriptions, they vary in cost though. Illinois.
2 :
We live in Ca. (don't believe all the "Come to California" ads with all the celebrities inferring that we all live lives of leisure!) My husband is a union pipefitter. He pays $18 per person monthly, we have a $250 per person per year deductible, and prescriptions are reimbursed at the end of each tax year with receipts submitted.
3 :
As a family we pay $42 a week for medical coverage that includes prescriptions but no vision. Our co-pays are office visits $15, urgent care $25, & ER $100. Medication varies, many stores in our area offer discounts that rival our prescription co-pays (generics cost $4 for a 30-day supply or $10 for a 90-day supply). Dental is $34 a month and preventative visits (twice annual exams) are no cost and then its prorated for each next level of service. We live in Ohio however our medical coverage is based on the company's headquarters in Michigan.
4 :
I pay $9 a month for one child with no co-pays. He has child health plus. Insurance through my husbands employer would have been about $600 a month for the children to be added. I pay nothing for another child. He was born on medicaid and has it until he is a year old. Right now we are paying out of pocket for our middle child, but we are in the process of enrolling him in the child health plus Oh, we live in New York
5 :
We have a family plan through my job so no matter how many kids i have have i pay 200.00 a month in insurance my job pays the rest like the other 60% of the premium 10.00 for doctors visits 10.00 20.00 or 35.00 for prescription depending on the prescription 10% of all hospitals 50.00 for an ER visit 35 for a urgent care free immunizations and x rays and one free yearly mammograms after my wife is 40 one free base line before then Dental is separate 26.40 a month again for the hole family two free cleanings and one free x ray a year per family member if you need ANY kind of work done it is like 40% of cost I am in Ohio
6 :
I have a deductible PPO plan. Her portion is $589.00/month. I pay somehting like $80/WEEK not month... for my share of the premium my employer pays the rest. Our deductible is $3600, It's Feb 26th, and my deductible's been met... lol yeah, I'm thrilled we've got nearly 10 months where I don't have to pay anything out of pocket...I'm thinking of things to need a dr for...
7 :
I live in Florida but I think the rate may be based on the corporate office which is in Illinois. I pay 64.00 a week (medical, dental and vision) and their co pay is 15 at primary care, 20 to a specialist, and 75.00 ER. Scripts vary but the normal stuff is 10.00. We tried going without and using just the flexible spending account but my kids need to have health coverage. I went into shock with one visit for asthma.
8 :
I work for the State of PA and I pay 1.5% of my paycheck which comes to around $25 a month which includes health insurance, prescription, dental and vision. No complaints from me! I pay $15 co-pay for regular doctor and $25 for a specialist. Our co-pay for prescription varies on the medication. $50 for ER visit which is waived if you're admitted. I pay the same no matter how many dependents I have. (Right now it's 4)
9 :
Up until last month we paid about $580 per month for blue cross blue shield. We were self-insured. Our state changed the laws last month in our state (I'll tell you my state on facebook) and now everyone who paid for their own health insurance (self employed etc) gets state funded Low cost health care- no matter what your income is, but ONLY for the children. So we have a $15 co-pay for the kids and we pay for precriptions. So.. now that we took the kids off blue cross/blue shield, it's only my husband and I on there, so we pay about $390 per month for us.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

who is responsible for paying health insurance for a child in a divorce

who is responsible for paying health insurance for a child in a divorce?
If the court orders that I pay a certain amount in child support and that both the petitioner and respondent each pay 50% of all unreimbursed medical, dental and orthodontia expenses incurred on behalf of the minor, does that mean that we are both responsible for half of the health and dental insurance?
Marriage & Divorce - 11 Answers
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1 :
is it not specified? if not, i would imagine 50-50.
2 :
In my son in laws case both of them have to carry health insurance. In case one of them loses their jobs the children will still be covered.
3 :
Sadly yeah I feel who ever gets child support should pay it but my brother has to pay 1/2 of the insurence on the kids!
4 :
I would think who ever can get it the cheapest. Surely you would want your own child have medical coverage. 50/50 sounds fair if you have 50/50 time with the boy. If not then I think whoever has him and is actually the parent (you can't be a parent when you are with him only four days a month) should pick up the medical tab. After all they are the ones who will be making the medical decisions.
5 :
6 :
if for example your job offers medical benefits and your estranged spouse has none....your children are covered by your insurance. if she has insurance also, your children are covered by both respectively. anything 'out of pocket' such as prescriptions, deductables, copays are to be split 50/50. if you pay 20.00 for a copay...your ex spouse is responsible to reimburse you 10.00. in these cases, youre agreement should stipulate an amount of time to request that payment. say, 30 days for example. another way would be to tally up the expenses yearly and hand him/her the bill.
7 :
Both parents are oblligated to have health insurance for the child. Unreimbursed medial, dental ...ect. means that if the custodial parent has co-pays for MD visits or braces you both have to pay for it. EX: Md's copay is 20.00 and 10.00 for rx .. you owe the custodial parent 15.00... Braces are 4000.00... you have to pay 2000.00 of that. Child support is for the childs everyday life. Food, Housing, clothes ...ect ...
8 :
Usually, the health insurance continues to be paid by whoever paid for it during the marriage. This is one of those things that is negotiable and it should be spelled out very clearly who is responsible or how it will be divided. Don't leave anything this big to chance. Get it in writing.
9 :
Check your child support worksheet. In Maine, the amount paid for health insurance is factored right into the child support that is paid. Unreimbursed medical expenses would be things on top of the health insurance - such as prescriptions, co-pays, and other things that are not covered by insurance. I would consult a lawyer and go over your divorce judgement with them again - they would be able to give you the clearest answer.
10 :
Yes. that's what it means... Its a bit strange the divorce decree doesn't indicate which parent must actually CARRY the insurance... But, yes. you both pay half of the cost of medical services. Re-read the decree. Make sure it doesn't state one of you must actually carry insurance on the child, & that you're both 50/50 responsible for any amount left over that insurance doesn't pay.
11 :
Not sure what state you are in but in Kansas both parents carry the insurance and each is still responsible for 50/50 of anything not covered by insurance.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Can the health visitor of a child in care disclose medical info on the mum to a 3rd person without authority

Can the health visitor of a child in care disclose medical info on the mum to a 3rd person without authority?
My daughters son had an accident and everyone has jumped on the abuse band wagon blaming the dad. The children's health visitor has written a report on my daughter and disclosed medication she has taken and details of medical conditions to social services. Can she disclose an adults info to a 3rd party without authority without the order of the court?
Other - Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
If she is there for the welfare of the child and isn't your daughters Dr and has this info then yes she can report it.
2 :
I believe it has to be court ordered.
3 :
If the Health provided was working,visiting on a formal basis, she would have already gotten a release of information when she first began her visits. From then on, all can be released. If your daughter in receiving assistance of any kind, from the government, her life is NOT her own. Be careful how you handle this, you could stop further assistance to your daughter, she could end up in a worse situation then she is in. Keep a Quiet Lid on these Events, handle them internally and don't get involved. If social services contacts you, that is different. But until that, take everything you hear with a grain of salt, unless you are Present for the Initial conversation(s). The rest is nothing but hearsay! Good Luck through your difficulties. I hope your grandson is safe,healthy and happy now.
4 :
Absolutely not. Any medical documentation that has to do with your daughter, or anyone else, without specific permission from the party involved (being your daughter) - under no circumstance, can be reviewed by anyone other than her doctor. Medical records are strictly confidential. Any unauthorized viewing breaks that confidentiality. And since your daughter isn't the one involved in the accident, the care provider has no grounds to release any information to any party without consent. Especially since the care provider is a childcare provider. The only other exception that could be considered is that unless a court of law has ordered such information disclosure under the circumstance that there is undeniable evidence that your daughter's records are necessary to be reviewed by a 3rd party to determine whether your grandson's accident has anything to due with abuse (i.e. knowing that her husband has abusive tendencies, and the accident could have prevented, etc.) - than her records should have not been disclosed once-so-ever.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

How does child abuse affect mental health

How does child abuse affect mental health?
I'm doing a report on how child abuse affects children and I need to know how it affects not only physical health, but also mental. (: Thanks ♥
Mental Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
Child sexual assault can have a number of effects both physical and psychological, that last both in the short term (see link below for a list of these) and longer term as an adult. Long term effects may include: * Depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping; * Low self esteem; * "Damaged goods" syndrome. i.e. negative body image due to self-blame. This may be intensified if physical pain was experienced during the abusive incidents; * Dissociation from feeling; * Social isolation; * Relationship problems such as an inability to trust, poor social skills or a reluctance to disclose details about themselves; * Self destructive behaviour such as substance abuse or suicide attempts; * Sexual difficulties such as fear of sex or intimacy, indiscriminate multiple sex partners or difficulty in reaching orgasm; * Parenting problems such as fear of being a bad parent, or fear of abusing the child or being overprotective; * An underlying sense of guilt, anger or loss; * "Flashbacks" and/or panic attacks. See the link below for more on this topic. Good luck with your assignment.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Am I responsible for paying a co payment if I am already providing health coverage through child support

Am I responsible for paying a co payment if I am already providing health coverage through child support?
I am currently paying child support to my ex wife for our daughter and also providing health coverage to my daughter as well. Am I responsible to pay for the co payments as well or is my ex wife responsible?
Insurance - 10 Answers
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1 :
yes, you are still responsible
2 :
sorry but yes u r
3 :
This definitely depends on your divorce agreement and is not typically an insurance related question. My GUESS and only a GUESS is that you are responsible to pay a set amount to her for maintenance and child support along with providing benefits. If that's the case then she SHOULD be responsible for making the copay's, but again this is only a guess. For the ultimate answer you should review the divorce agreement or speak to your attorney.
4 :
Sounds like you're already doing a lot. If your ex wife is in no position financially to pay it, then i would pay it, since she is your daughter. However, if your ex-wife is financially capable, then she should contribute as well. Maybe 50/50?
5 :
That's generally spelled out in the divorce decree - take a look at your documents, and see what it says. Quite often, the parents are required to split medical expenses that are left after insurance. You need to look at the copy of your divorce decree to know exactly what your obligations are in this regard. (Note - if your daughter really needs something that her mother can't provide, that doesn't mean that you can't provide it if you are willing/able. But, the divorce decree should spell out exactly what you're required to provide under the law.)
6 :
You'd have to look at the support agreement to find out. Most of the time, any uninsured health costs, including copays and deductibles, are equally split between the two parents. Child support is NOT health copay or coverage. The health is totally seperate from support.
7 :
I would read your court order. I would assume; No tho ... Co-Payments are not your responsibility ... as that expense should be factor in to the amount of child support you pay monthly. Hopefully you and the ex, can work out it, so everyone is paying about equal ... and hopefully she will make sure time and holidays are spent equally with you as well as her. Good Luck !! :-)
8 :
Seriously? How do you think your daughter feels when you asks questions like that? If your daughter needs medical care, pay the copayments. If your exwife volunteers, thats great, but the damage you will do to your daughter by even questioning paying for it would be unforgivable. Just pay it.
9 :
It will depend upon your child support order or divorce and custody agreements. My ex provided child care and insurance premiums but I paid the co-pay as it was NOT expressively written in any of the above court documents. Read your orders.
10 :
It depends on what your divorce decree states. From the doctor's office standpoint, the parent who seeks care is the one who pays the copay at the time of service, but there are cases where it's written into the divorce and custody agreement that one parent is responsible no matter what. If it's not already written in, put it in there ASAP.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Did you hear about bush vetoing child health insurance plan? what do you think

Did you hear about bush vetoing child health insurance plan? what do you think?* does he not realize he is hurting millions of low-income kids in America? tell me your thoughts. do you think he is doing the right thing?
Politics - 22 Answers
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1 :
No child left behind my azz
2 :
Duh! everyone has and I am happy he vetoed this over-priced crap of a bill.
3 :
It's good... that Bill was full of crap. It needs to be slimmed down to the point where it covers kids... not 25 year olds.
4 :
He's a murderer, isn't the last 7 years of presidency proof enough? Murdering thousands of Iraqi babies do you think he really cares about the babies of poor people in this country?
5 :
It was a bad bill and need vetoing. It included people earning 85,000, and Children age 25. Last time I checked when I was 25 I was married had 2 children of my own and was in the combat zone. I don't think you could legitimately call me a child anymore.
6 :
He is absolutely doing the right thing... the democrats tried to spin this as a tax hike on cigarettes, but they failed to tell the whole truth, it will also raise our taxes. Additionally, a great number of those children are illegal immigrants. Haven't you had enough of illegal immigrants being forced upon your taxes for one lame reason or another? I have.
7 :
I'm so glad! If libs really cared about kids, then we wouldn't have legal abortion. Can you name any where in America where kids go without health care? I can't. It's not about kids, it's about hills plan for national health care.
8 :
Bush has had several years to prove that he has our country's best interest at heart. It hasn't happened yet, so I doubt it's gonna happen on his clock. Does he realize he's hurting millions of low-income kids? I seriously doubt he cares.
9 :
I think he doesn't care about low-income children.
10 :
He vetoed it because the dems raised the limits as high as people making 60 to 80K a year can get their children benefits, expanding the program from "poor" kids to almost all kids...that's socialized medicine in the guise of a poor kid program...Bush called them on it...good job!!
11 :
Most are illegals and until we clean up our immigration disaster, I'm behind him all the way. I'm so sick of paying out soooo much in taxes for all those people to rec'v FREE benefits that belong to our LEGAL TAX PAYING citizens!! While I pay full price for my kids health insurance. Its not the perfect answer, but enough's enough already!!
12 :
wasn't the cap limit for this bill an $84,000 annual income? How in the world is that "poor"? For the truly poor kids, yes this is a shame. I could see this being passed for a family's annual income of possibly half of that $84,000. This bill was all about politics though. It was an attempt by some in Congress to pave the road for universal health care. I very much doubt Congress had the kids' best interests at heart. These are the folks who frequently like to pass bills to give themselves a raise, after all.
13 :
Let's look at the "Rest of the Story". Attached to that bill was a proviso expanding coverage to children of illegal immigrants. He had every right to veto that bill. He should continue to as long as the Democrat party continues to play games. They no more want to help the children than Bill Clinton is faithful to his wife.
14 :
Some people read headlines only and think they know the whole story and all the issues. There is already a program for children, it's called SCHIP and every state has it. Bush was willing to raise the program but not with the outlandish price the Democrats put on it. Also they want the get the money buy taxing cigarettes. Now do tell, who is more likely to smoke? Yep, you guess it, THE POOR. Bad bill, good president. This is from your link and IMO states everything. "The Democrats who control Congress, with significant support from Republicans, passed the legislation to add $35 billion over five years to allow an additional 4 million children into the program. It would be funded by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack. The president argued that the Democratic bill was too costly, took the program too far beyond its original intent of helping the poor, and would entice people now covered in the private sector to switch to government coverage. He has proposed only a $5 billion increase in funding. After Bush's speech, White House counselor Ed Gillespie said the president's offer of more money meant more than the $5 billion extra, but he wasn't specific about how much more."
15 :
Yep - the moron puts ideology over kids health. What a sicko.
16 :
It doesn't surprise me, but I bet if you made it for illegal aliens he'd fall over his own feet to sign it. Any takers?
17 :
For once I agree with the president. Congress is holding our children hostage to play political games for the upcoming election. Hey I would love to have free healthcare but if I truly deserve it making less than say 35,000 a year with 3 kids, why do the neighbors down the street making $80,000 dollars a year with 1 child, driving a new car every year and a 4 bedroom, $750.00 per month mortgage, deserve the same benefit. The truly deserving poor are the ones suffering at the hands of Congress while they bluff and waste taxpayers money. It makes me sick because the American people were so hopeful this Congress would make a difference especially the democrats and I have been siding with the democrats for a long time but this saddens me and makes me deeply ashamed that all of our representatives in Washington have nothing better to do than play party politics. What has happened to We the People.
18 :
Adults know that Bush is going to veto bad legislation no matter what it involves. Just slapping the word "child" on the title of a bad bill may fool democrats, but no one else.
19 :
I think that Bush doesn't have a clue as what it's like to be a working person and raise children. He is saying that he is doing this on principle. The only principles that Bush has is the principle of increasing profits for his fat cat supporters.
20 :
Bush vetoes child health insurance plan: Liberal Translation: Bush hates kids Right thinking translation: This bill was over the top and had no right to be introduced in the first place. But of course, because it has the word 'child' in it, Republicans are callous, uncaring, child murderers who don't care about our nations poor. Why don't we demand the drug dealers in the inner cities to pay for the health care of the crack babies that are born every day before we ask the tax payers to always take on the burden. All they'll have to do is sell one or two of their pimped out Escalades to take care of the kids who's parents they're getting hooked on crack. My mantra: Personal responsibility before taxation!!!
21 :
GOOD! Here in Ohio we have the CHIPP state health program for kids. Those vote-hungry Democrats want to make Bush look evil for saying no to kids. kids that are here illegally. Kids whose parents make $80000 a year. Kids who are 25 yrs old. Ohio has HUNDREDS of kids dropped off rosters because they are always changing eligibility each year. One year they cut 'gap' coverage'. next year, only under $24K a yr family of five was eligible (hey, then would qualify for medicaid, duh!) if a private insuance company behaved like this federal regulators would shut the company down. THIS IS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IN DISGUISE. years ago, our parents/grandparents did something called "going out on strike' to get companies to pay benefits. Now, companies like Wal-Mart can pay minimal benefits because they know the government will step in and provide their workers health care benefits and food stamps. more profits to the company :)
22 :
Fact Check on Bill to Expand the Child Health Care Program - Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kevin Freking September 26, 2007 Just what would happen under the bill that passed Tuesday in the House to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), up for a vote later this week in the Senate and then sure to get a veto from President Bush? Here are some of the claims and the corresponding facts: The claim: The proposal would encourage families to substitute public insurance for private insurance. The facts: The Congressional Budget Office projects that about 3.8 million people would become insured as a result of the bill, and about 2 million more would move from private coverage to public coverage. The claim: The proposal would allow coverage of families earning $83,000. The facts: The bill essentially sets an income ceiling of three times the poverty rate for a family of four -- $61,950. Beyond that, the federal government would not pay a state its full SCHIP match, which averages about 70 percent. The claim: The bill would make it easier for children of illegal immigrants to participate in Medicaid. The facts: Currently, states are required to seek proof of U.S. citizenship before they provide Medicaid coverage, except in emergencies. The states now require applicants to show documents such as birth certificates or passports in order to prove U.S. citizenship and nationality. The bill would allow applicants to submit a Social Security number instead. Michael J. Astrue, commissioner for the Social Security Administration, said that matching a Social Security number with an individual does not allow officials to verify whether someone is a U.S. citizen. The claim: The proposed 61 cent tax on a pack of cigarettes is a tax on the poor. The facts: According to a recent analysis by the National Center for Health Statistics, smoking rates are higher for those who live in poverty or near poverty than among wealthier people. Also, a more dated analysis cited by the National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative think tank, states that two-thirds of federal tobacco taxes come from those earning less than $40,000 a year

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

What are the best health insurances available for a child with special needs

What are the best health insurances available for a child with special needs?
I have a child with special needs she was receiving SSI for a long time until I got married. My husbank makes about $10,000 more than the income limit for her to get health insurance under the childrens with special healthcare needs of texas. I was hoping that someone could tell me of a good health insurance for a child with special needs. Thanks.
Dental - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
longshoremen have the best dental insurance bar none. call a children's dentist they can give advise on what they can or can not do. most hospitals may have a special program for a child it gets harder the older the child gets
2 :
Get your information about your health options first hand from licensed insurance providers.
3 :
I am not totally sure about the answer,I think your should call your local agent to get some suggestions.

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