Sunday, April 24, 2011

If I am preagnant, how much Tuna can an eat without a fear of Mercury affecting the health of my child

If I am preagnant, how much Tuna can an eat without a fear of Mercury affecting the health of my child?
I am only a few weeks into preagnancy
Pregnancy - 7 Answers
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1 :
my doctor told me a can once a week
2 :
3 :
This question is really for your OB but honestly--I've had three babies and I ate tuna throughout all three pregnancies...because for the first two I didn't know and the third one..well..I kind of craved fish. All of my babies are healthy and fine. But I did ask my OB and she told me one tuna fish sandwich a week was fine for me. But definitely don't go against your Doctor's advice. That is what they went to medical school for! Good luck.
4 :
you can eat it but you shoudn't eat it no more than 2x week
5 :
1 serving a week of larger fish such as tuna but smaller seafood such as prawns dont contain as much mercury and can be eaten a bit more often. basically the way i was told the smaller the fish the lower the risk. tuna can cet v big, stay away from shark and swordfish and im not so sure bout oysters but i would avoid those entirely eat 1 portion of mackeral or kippers a week and u get all your omega fats etc and its good for yours and babys brain and heart.
6 :
Typically one can a week is fine. Keep in mind that Albacore has higher levels of mercury than the normal variety.
7 :
don't eat ANY says my mother.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Does having an imaginary friend as a child portend future mental health problems as an adult

Does having an imaginary friend as a child portend future mental health problems as an adult?
I'm hoping someone may have info regarding any data from psychological tests or experiments that may have been done in this area. Also, I'd like to hear from anyone who has personal experience with the subject.
Psychology - 11 Answers

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1 :
no, and it shows that the child has a good imagination
2 :
My sister had imaginary friends, she grew up fine, was a straight A student, went on to college, plays a musical instrument and teaches elementary education. I don't think having an imaginary friend did her any harm.
3 :
it doesnt make them crazy n it shows they r imaginative n creative which could help them in the future
4 :
Sounds to that you will have mental health problems if the imaginary friend never goes away and you still communicate with them as an adult. I had lots of imaginary friends and foes as a child (most kids do) - they sure did not follow me into adulthood.
5 :
actually yes, it proceeds schizophrenia. According to the DSM -IV. It is usually develop through lack of interaction with a child. To prevent this a child should be interacted with by parents and or siblings on a day to day basis, independant playing is fine imaginary friends is not health, it shows signs of lack of involvement by the parent, thereby the child feels the need to create something for the space of love and interaction that needs to be filled. How much time are the children spending with the family? Is there family time? Park visits? tea time? In my experience children who go outside and play with others do not have imaginary friends they have real ones which is healthy and condusive to growth. I would challenge any expert to prove UNDER A PROVEN TEST that children with imaginary friends are not prone to some other type of disorder, obesity, balimia, depression, esp, delirium. Even still remeber the DSM -!V is always changing as experts dont know shit. If your child is happy then roll with it if your child turns into a nut blame society. After all no one on this page really knows because none fo us NOT EVEN PSYCHOLOGIST understand the human mind totally, being that we only use a third Furthermore for someone to tell you they arent crazy and they have had an imaginary friend I would take with a grain of salt because again how do we REALLY know who is crazy and who is sane. For all we know the transient walking up the street speaking to his imaginary friend is sane and the Mental health worker telling people they arent sane is crazy.. You decide. Maybe the friends arent imaginary and are ethereal or your child can transend dimensions who knows. As long as they dont appear at the foot of your bed with the imaginary friend telling them to do evil, I would not worry, just spend more time with your children
6 :
No, it means that the child has a vivid imagination. Usually people with a high quality imagination are very creative and bright.
7 :
No, not always. Some times having one is due to a problem, but again, not always. Having one inspired me to take drama in high school. I haven't done any scientific testing, but I did have some as a child. So did my mother, before me. And we turned out fine.
8 :
This is from Science Daily: Imaginary Friendships Could Boost Child Development -Or- Here's more info. I found from It is quite common for children of about three or four years of age to have an imaginary friend. This may be another child or could be a magical person or an animal. Sometimes the imaginary friends change as the child grows older. Often children who have imaginary friends are only children, or oldest children in the family; but having an imaginary friend does not mean that your child is lonely. They are usually creative, imaginative children. As the child grows older the real world takes over and by the time the child is going to school the imaginary friend usually just quietly disappears. What do imaginary friends do? Imaginary friends can be helping your child in different ways. * As playmates providing companionship. * They allow the child to play creative games and try out different ways of doing things. * They are a way for children to practice getting on with others. * They are a way for the child to safely test out different actions and feelings, eg fear or anger. * They allow the child to be in charge and control someone else at a time in her life when most people seem to be controlling her. * They allow children to have a private life that adults are not part of. * They can help children to deal with strong feelings such as fears or anger, by having a fearful friend or being angry with their friend. , * They can help children if things in their lives are stressful. For example a child who is always cross with her friend may be in a situation where she feels that the adults in her life are always cross with her. * Children who are very "good" may have a friend who is very "naughty" and does some of the things the child would perhaps like to do. * They can help children avoid getting into trouble with parents because when some thing is wrong "the friend did it". Are imaginary friends a problem? Imaginary friends are a part of normal development and rather than being a problem they can help children to deal with some of the stresses in their lives. Sometimes an imaginary friend can help parents to see where a problem is. * For example if the imaginary friend is afraid of the dark it is likely that the child is afraid of the dark and learning to manage her fears through the friend. * If the friend is always misbehaving and getting into trouble it may be that the child is having too may rules or punishments. Sometimes children can use their imaginary friends to avoid doing something they don't want to. * If this happens a lot, parents need to treat the imaginary friend in the same way as the child, eg "Mrs Rabbit might say you don't have to go to bed, but I am your mum and it is bedtime. Mrs Rabbit can come if you like". If your child plays happily with others and enjoys doing things with you and other children there is not likely to be any problem. If the child continues to choose the friend very often rather than doing things in the real world it is helpful to have a look at what is going on in his life and think about ways to help him enjoy doing real things as well. What you can do Here are some ways you can respond to your child's imaginary friend. * Let your child take the lead in how you respond. If it is a private relationship and the child wants you to stay out of it follow that lead. If you are asked to join in the play then do so. Usually you will be asked to make room for the friend in different ways such as providing a seat in the car, not sitting on the friend in a chair and maybe providing things like a cup or plate for the friend. * While accepting the way your child wants you to act towards the friend it is helpful if you don't get too involved and take over or add your own ideas to the story. It helps your child to work out what is real and what isn't if you stay grounded in the real world most of the time and if you take over or add to the story you are taking from your child's need to create her own story. * If the friend is always to blame when the child does something wrong it will be helpful to take it out of a "blame" situation. For example if the child says his magic bunny spilt the milk you could say that mistakes are to learn from and that you will help him to clean up the mess for the bunny. * As your child gets older try to provide lots of enjoyable experiences with real children and real things so the friend will gradually not be as interesting or attractive as the real world, and will disappear. * Remember that being three or four years old in an expanding world can be scary and that by having a friend to help him through this time your child is being both resourceful and creative. * If you feel that your child is shy or does not relate easily to others see the topic 'Shyness'.
9 :
Not necessarily. Unless the imaginary friend is causing trouble or extremely violent or harmful, I wouldn't worry about it. It usually indicates a good imagination. The DSM-IV (and the APA) state that schizophrenia cannot be diagnosed until age 18. So, no, imaginary friends as a child are not harmful. I had one and I am a mental health worker, not patient.
10 :
You may think I have mental problems and well that is up to you. To me children are innocent beings. I saw the movie Sybil where she had imaginary friends but that was because she was being abused by her mentally ill mother. As for me, I had an imaginary friend when I was small, mom said his name was Johnny. I grew up to be psychic. I see things, and know things before they happen. I wanted to know why I was that way and another psychic stated to me that they thought I was that way because I was given up for adoption by my mother and my father never looked for me so I didn't have the love of my parents and so God took me under his wing more so than others and I received the gift of ESP. Don't know if that is true or not, Probably not unless your child is adopted too. You just need to keep watch over your child. good luck
11 :
no, it is interacting with the inner self thanks, ss

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Are there any health insurance plans in NYS where a 23 year old child can still be on his parent's plan

Are there any health insurance plans in NYS where a 23 year old child can still be on his parent's plan?
The child no longer attends school, but does temporary work.
Insurance - 2 Answers
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Not to my knowledge... the 23 year old would need to have student status to be covered at that age. Maybe the 23 year old could apply for medicaid? low-income insurance? or get covereage from the part time job or increase hours to get coverage
2 :
Your 23 year old is not a child, but an adult. That's why it''s time for your child to purchase an individual plan. Call an agent and get a quote. Best of luck to you both.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My employer pays the health insurance will my child support go down

My employer pays the health insurance will my child support go down?
I live in Texas and if my employer pays the health insurance, will my child support go down? My employer pays for everything, its part of my benefits package.
Marriage & Divorce - 5 Answers

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1 :
Child support is based on income not outgo.
2 :
Child support and Medical support are separate issues. Child support starts at 20% of his income for toward 1 child. If all his kids are w/ you, this % will increase 5% w/ each child up to 50%. It goes down if there's other kids with other moms. Medical support obtained through your employer is handled as follows: he will most likely be ordered to reimburse you for the insurance amt taken out of your pay check each month. Or, he can provide the insurance through his employment and you don't have to reimburse him.
3 :
nope, child support and health insurance are usually 2 separate issues
4 :
If you ex finds out or the Attorney General finds out you are not out of pocket they can reduce the child support. Which is only fair if you are not out of pocket then why should you be reimbursed for it???? If you are receiving child support and the health insurance is included and you are no longer out of pocket for health insurance the person who is reibursing you should no longer be required and if they find out they will probably ask for you to have to pay it back Call the Attorney General or go on their website
5 :
Your employer pays it for you or for your child? If it pays it for your child and you pay a part of the premium for your child, it might go down but you have to ask the court or CSED to do that and it is basically in their discretion. In most cases though they call it a gift and let you do both. However if your income is low, you don't have to pay the child's premiums nor his health insurance. hope that helps but the best is to ask the state agency ie: child support enforcement division.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

During a Health Step check up, why does the doctor ask child to walk on tip-toes and touch toes

During a Health Step check up, why does the doctor ask child to walk on tip-toes and touch toes?
They also do heel walking.
Other - Health - 4 Answers
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Flexibility and to check reflexes and strenth in the arches.
2 :
Problems with that indicate back problems.
3 :
I think the tip-toe walking is for checking balance and muscle tone in legs and back. The touching-toes move (especially if the doctor is standing behind the child), is one of the checks they use to look for signs of scoliosis.
4 :
To check progress & muscle function.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Veto on Child health, but asking for 46 Billion for war

Veto on Child health, but asking for 46 Billion for war ?
Now that makes a lot of sense. Bush talked about how he vetoed the bill on children's health because he wants to force the senate and congress to be conservative with money and slow down the spending ... but turns around and asks for 46 billion more for war. Now that is control on spending isn't it. When will someone stand up to this president and tell him enough is enough? Is that all our tax money is good for? Wars? I wish Bush would ask for 46 billions to make sure our social security don't fall over, that our heath insurance is affordable, that our roads are clean, our bridges strong and our schools safe and high in standard. I hate the fact that my tax money helps shed human blood ... all for nothing and with no good reason at all. What a travesty of politics.

Well I see many make sense and other simply get agressive against me and my question. Could it be that I touched a sensitive point they know they are in the wrong with? No I do not think we need to leave Iraq all together i think Iraqis need to get their Asses to work enough pampering them. No I do not think health issues is a federal responsibility and yes i know that protecting this nation IS indeed a federal responsibility ... what has the Iraq war protected us against? Haven't you heard? Iraq was NEVER a threat nor part of 911 nor did it have WMD. WAKE UP! Finally having sandal wearing people on our land ready to blow up our infrastructures IS an issue this administration should focus on along with the immigration services. We open our borders wide, we lose track or terrorist wannabee and then we cry panic and outrage when the act? We are being convinced that we can contain terrorist across the world but can't do a think at home about it? We all lose. all for nothing!
Politics - 12 Answers
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1 :
Well the left was trying to make me give up my insurance for Government substandard insurance, thank God the Veto held. I worked hard to get my coverage and I would have lost it due to not being able to afford both plans. Get an education and job good enough for you to get your own insurance. The Goverment is not your mom and dad and I do not want to pay for others mistakes. Later.
2 :
This is the essence of the Bush Administration. Vote Democratic. Not Hillary though.
3 :
National Defense is a Constitutional responsibility of the Federal government. paying for peoples health care is not mentioned in the Constitution so falls to the States. Why is this so hard for so many to understand? It's really a simple concept.,
4 :
Well, it seems that the Democratic controlled congress is willing to give him the money for the war but is going along with not paying for the health care. I guess I can assume that Democrats are war mongers and hate children. This may be news to you but congress controls the money, they can say yeah or nay.
5 :
when you spend OUR tax money on Americans the cons call it "socialism", yet, as you pointed out, when OUR money is spent half a world away to kill people its just fine. there is no way to fathom the con's thinking process (sic)
6 :
Blame Congress too. They keep letting him do it.
7 :
the typical person who was deceived by the government media will say: "but wars help protect America's interest" What a bunch of load! Is there even any proof to back up this claim? The debt held by the public is over 9 trillion...a new record! Way to go folks. Keep devaluing your dollar you'll be on the streets in no time ;) "If the American People ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . ." --Thomas Jefferson
8 :
Nice rant. Do you feel better now? You sound like a Miss America contestant with about as much substance behind your desire for 'world peace'. So head out to the Middle East Moon Unit and preach your desire for world peace to them because THAT is where the problem is, not here at home. We'd absolutely love to spend all that money on 'clean roads' just as long as we were confident that there weren't a bunch of sandal wearing Neanderthals bent on killing several thousand innocent Americans at their first opportunity. Finally, ask yourself this question again. Why aren't they standing up to him? If it is so obvious, why don't they? You'd think it'd be simple to stand up to President Bush and force him to do what you think should be done. But it's not. And it's not because what he is doing has to be done. What he is doing is a top priority. They may say otherwise for political reasons but they're not so stupid as to think otherwise. By the way, the schools are fine, thanks. They're handing out laptops to every kid in my district. The roads are fine and those that need health care get it. So settle down and let the big people handle it, 'kay?
9 :
Social security is the last of his worries, he will never have to draw from it because since he was elected president he will b paid for the rest of his life. As for the war, well not that I agree with us going to war, but our troops do need to b protected with gear they need, but 46 billion I really think that is an inflated figure. Bottom line this president is not concerned with the little people, might I add that it is the Veterans that have been the backbone of this country.....I wonder where the pres was for his term of service??? On the golf course or too busy being AWOL???? Childrens health care doesn't seem to b important to president bush at all because he wont get any cut backs from the drug companies, HMO's......But he can go ahead and screw the children of this country and the American service men. If you love your freedom, Thank an American veteran....NOT GW!!!!!!!!!!!
10 :
First of all, congress is proposing revenue articles like drunken sailors! Not a single plan of theirs isn't devoid of excessive pork-expense. This is the main reason why all of their proposals are being slammed. I'm not a major Bush fan, but the recent tax and spend healthcare plan was absurd. Do you realize that it included monies for those already with private insurance (better than half)? By your way of thinking government controlled anything is acceptable. Sorry, I'm personally not interested in nanny-state politics. I just wish someone would come up with a healthcare plan that doesn't have nonsense addendums for special interests. And yes, war is an ugly business, but I'd rather have professionals waging the war in the middle east than fearing what might happen fighting within our own borders. I suppose you would prefer to leave our troops without munitions on the field of battle? We are already sizing down our presence as the Iraqis become better trained.
11 :
Without the money for war , there will be no children, therefore no need for health care.
12 :
Bush has never made any sense to anyone that has an IQ over 90. He thinks that spending an additional $35 billion on children's health care over a 5 year period is too much money, yet he thinks that flushing down the drain an additional $46 billion a year on top of the $150 billion a year that he is wasting is too much money. His bass ackward priorities are near treasonous.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

What is one thing you would do to better your child's health

What is one thing you would do to better your child's health?

Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 4 Answers
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1 :
change her eating habits
2 :
Not have my wife feed her....
3 :
Healthy organic diet, with no junk food or additives. Lots of water.
4 :
Move out of the city that way I could change the diet to no additives, fresh food, reduce exposure to pollution, make the house carpet free(we are assuming I own it) to reduce dust mites as he's allergic, increase his exercise with farm chores and room to roam.

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