Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why does Bush avoid talking to Governors on child health care

Why does Bush avoid talking to Governors on child health care?
The self called compassionate conservative has done one more thing to prove his lack of compassion. He is avoiding discussion with state governors toward affordable health care for millions of children nation wide. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070226/ap_on_go_pr_wh/governors_kids__health
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers

 Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Health care isn't something the government should be involved in
2 :
Bush doesn't care about the welfare of the American children that's why. Incompassionate would be the word here, or in short Republican ideology.
3 :
Maybe Mr Bush has read The Constitution and realizes it's not a Federal issue.I wish!
4 :
Because bush's buddies, the health care providers(Bill Frist comes to mind), insurance companies, and of course all the EMPLOYERS in America don't want to pay anything they don't have too(taxes in the cases of all of them) and don't want to lose their profits(once again all of them) and last of all bush doesn't care that about children.. its in the conservative mantra... "Love the Fetus, hate the child" Randi Rhodes stated that... and btw look at how Conservatives look at abortion.... they really don't care about children...only the Fetuses. He also is probably avoiding the state governors because he is moralily wrong or a moron, not sure which, or maybe both
5 :
I'de have to say because bush isent real bright! I mean let's all face it the only reason he went after saddam is because saddam tryed to kill Daddy bush! Yeah bush is a real winner,not!
6 :
Why would the president talk to any Governor about YOUR children? You people need to start thinking about reasons why we were way better off when the government could care less about your children. You brought then into the world, you deal with it. If you can't, why is it the president's problem, any governor's problem, or my problem?

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Why is Bush Vetoing the child health care bill, Is he having another tantrum against the Democrats in Senate

Why is Bush Vetoing the child health care bill, Is he having another tantrum against the Democrats in Senate?

Other - Politics & Government - 14 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Did you just get out of a coma? This was done a while ago. The Dems want to slip nationalize health care through under the guise of child health care and Bush wouldn't let them do that. 23 year olds are not children and people making 80k or more a year should be able to pay for their own health care; I shouldn't have to carry them.
2 :
Because the nation cant afford it why don't other states have mi child programs like Michigan that for $5.00 a month pays everything for your child till age 19? health eyes teeth.
3 :
No there are things attached to the bill that will be detramental. That is the problem with the political system anything can be attached to any other bill to try and force the President to sign it. Thats also why the President needs a line item veto power!
4 :
Maybe he hates kids... or probably he just wants that money for Iran.. or Iraq.. or to give it to Israel... who knows. I can't begin to understand this crazy man.
5 :
It probably doesn't yet address the issues that he considers important. The president has said outright that he would not sign a bill that: A) Did not ensure that 90% of low income children were enrolled prior to covering middle income children, B) Receives its funding from a cigarette tax incrase, which just so happens to be a highly regressive tax (disproportionately taxes the poor) Based on the idea that this bill is supposed to protect poor children, you would think that by now Congress would have made these provisions. Doesn't Congress want to help poor children?!? Too bad! I guess they are too caught up in politics and the next election to govern.
6 :
It's not fair. It makes moderate income families who also can't afford health care wait behind lower income families and the unemployed. If we are going to have subsidized health care for children it should be available to everyone. What we really should do though is stop the frivolous malpractice suits, and encourage the private insurance companies to stop raising their rates so much.
7 :
Because he and the repKon base do not benefit from it, and he couldn't care less about the children of people who aren't wealthy donors to neo causes
8 :
Oh Please, stop it I know for a fact that nobodies that stupid. Do you know how to say pork?
9 :
u suck . cause he wana
10 :
Old news, Thank God for Bush
11 :
He wants a blank check for his Rubber Stamp REPUBLICAN War in Iraq, but he won't do anything for the children of America. It's really disgraceful. The man has no concept of compromise.
12 :
he is just doing what republicans do, hate dems and there priorities and will vote against anything that looks like a hand out that they cannot make a profit off of.
13 :
Why is it that key facts are always left out of questions like this? This is not another tantrum and there is a lot more to the bill than the headline suggests.
14 :
If you followed this stry, he vetoed it because it was unfairly taxing to middle class citizens. · President Bush on Wednesday vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have dramatically expanded children's health insurance, after saying the legislation was too costly and had strayed from its original intent. It was only the fourth veto of Bush's presidency, and one that some Republicans feared could be used against them in next year's elections. The Senate approved the bill with enough votes to override the veto, but the margin in the House fell short of the required number. The State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, is a joint state-federal effort that subsidizes health coverage for 6.6 million people, mostly children, from families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford their own private coverage. The Democrats who control Congress, with significant support from Republicans, passed the legislation to add $35 billion over five years, allowing an additional 4 million children into the program. It would be funded by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack. The president had promised to veto it, saying the Democratic bill was too costly, took the program too far from its original intent of helping the poor, and would entice people now covered in the private sector to switch to government coverage. He wants only a $5 billion increase in funding. Bush argued that the congressional plan would be a move toward socialized medicine by expanding the program to higher-income families. The president faces a possible rebellion by Republican lawmakers who back the bill. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) berated Bush on the Senate floor for having labeled the legislation "irresponsible" in his radio address Saturday. "If you want to talk about the word responsible and whether Congress is responsible or not in this bill, I would say that anybody that wants to leave the program the way it is — and that's what's going to happen with a veto — that's an irresponsible position to take," Grassley said. House Democratic leaders have said they will wait until next week or later to try to override a veto. They are hoping by then to peel off some 15 Republicans to get the two-thirds majority they need for an override. Texas A&M presidential scholar George Edwards says that lawmakers who stick with the president could pay for it in next year's elections. "I think in a widely supported policy like the SCHIP bill, that the risks are substantial for Republicans," Edwards said. "It's difficult to take the case to the voters on something specific like that when we're talking about health care for children and explain the complex rationale for opposition." Asked why the president has also issued veto threats against almost all the spending bills this year, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president has a role to play in the legislative debate. "One of the things the president can do is say, 'I'm not going to sign a bill that comes to me with extraneous spending. I'm not going to sign a bill that has policies in it that should not be a part of the United States policy,'" Perino said. "And so I would hope that we wouldn't have to do veto threats, but I think that the Democrats have shown that these are the types of legislative angles that they're going to take, and that's why the president has to send some veto threats up." At issue is the fact that, added together, the spending bills exceed the president's own budget by some $23 billion. But Dan Mitchell of the libertarian Cato Institute says that amount is paltry compared with the amount of excess spending that Bush signed during the Republicans' control of Congress. "There certainly does seem to be a legitimate argument that the president only objects to new spending when Democrats are doing it, because he certainly wasn't objecting when Republicans controlled Congress," Mitchell said. On Tuesday, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee said that if there is a spending problem, it is the White House asking for nearly $200 billion in war funding. "If the president is really concerned about stopping red ink, we are prepared to introduce legislation that will provide for a war surtax for that portion of military costs related to our military action in Iraq," Rep. David Obey (D-WI) proposed. If President Bush does not like that cost, he added, he can shut down the war. Most Republicans derided the idea of a war surtax. "You pay for the war by winning the war," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). "This is not an accounting exercise. How did we pay for World War II? Everybody rolled up their sleeves and did the best they could." They also paid a war surtax. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave the idea a thumbs down; so did Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "The speaker said that is not what she wants," Reid explained. "That's good enough for me." Facing a spate of veto threats, Democratic leaders show little appetite for a separate fight over raising taxes. With additional reporting from The Associated Press heres the link.... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14938419

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Monday, December 20, 2010

father and mother BOTH have the child covered under their separate health insurance plans

father and mother BOTH have the child covered under their separate health insurance plans?
under ca law the fathers insurance is primary due to the fact that he is older . how or could it be possible to have the the mothers insurance primary ? we what the mothers insurance company first due to the fact that it has always been used for the baby. we are now in the hospital and out of network with the fathers insurance and they will not cover it due to that fact. The er ntransfered us to an out of network hospital so how can we resolve this? his insurance is first adn they already denied the claim.
Insurance - 5 Answers

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1 :
If the law states that one is primary, then that is the way it will be. The other would only be tapped if and when the claim exceeds the primary coverage. All you have to worry about it to be sure you never attempt to make a claim on the secondary until the primary is exhausted, or, if the claim is not covered by the primary but can be by the secondary.
2 :
Why? It only matters to the insurance company. It should matter to you. If you get a $100 invoice, it'll travel to company A first then to B and then you pay. If it goes to B first and then A it wouldn't make MUCH of a difference to you. If you want to keep it simple keep one plan.
3 :
The choice of whose plan you use is not yours but the state. Laws govern whose policy is primary. So, you use the father's coverage first, and then you use the mothers' insurance for what is not covered. You can file a claim under both, but when you use the secondary insurance, they will want to know what the first coverage paid or did not pay, and why not. This is called " coordination of benefits."
4 :
The "birthday law" isn't about AGE, it's about what day of the year the birthday comes FIRST. So clearly, dad's birthday ocurrs earlier in the year than moms. The ONLY way to get mom's policy primary, is to cancel child from dad's policy during the next open enrollment. If the transfer happened, because there wasn't a local in network hospital that could provide a specialty service (like a pediatric nephrologist), you appeal to dad's insurance to have it covered as a medical necessity on an in network basis.
5 :
You do not have to change which is primary. The secondary will pay the claim if (1) the primary denied it, and (2) the secondary would have covered it if you did not have the primary.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you support a Constitutional tax on tobacco products to fund child health care (Measure 50)

Do you support a Constitutional tax on tobacco products to fund child health care (Measure 50)?

Law & Ethics - 9 Answers
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1 :
well i pay 6 dollers a pack right now..of that 6 dollers the company that made it gets .25 cents, the rest goes to taxes i think they are taxing cigarettes enough
2 :
No it is flat out wrong.
3 :
Sure, and I'm a smoker....at least we would be helping children while killing ourselves..
4 :
if they can give kids (and everyone else) second-hand smoke, then they can never give enough money for healthcare.
5 :
sounds good in theory. The problem is that legislation keeps getting stricter. Pretty soon there wont be anywhere to smoke. This will reduce available funds, leaving an underfunded program that will be forced to pull funds from other programs.
6 :
The percentage of people who smoke is down to less than 20% and continues to decline. You can't have it both ways. Don't tell people to quit and then plan to finance things from them not quitting!
7 :
let the alcoholics pay some more taxes. I can smoke and drive down the road and not kill a family. Can a drunk say that.
8 :
It depends on the amount of tax...
9 :
No, I am tired of every health problem in this country being blamed on smoking. They want to blame asthma in children on smoking, ignoring the fact that as the smoking rates have gone down, the kids that are getting asthma have increased. How about starting to tax other "unhealthy" activities at the same rate that they currently tax tobacco? How about that $9.00 big mac meal? Or that $12.00 6-pack of cheap beer. How about taxing the amount of time spent watching T.V? I hope you are seeing where I am heading with this. Tobacco is just an easy target-- This is a measure that was written to sound good-- who is not for better health care? The only reason bush vetoed it, was because it included kids that were not already covered by most states! What about the rest of the people, who cannot afford health care? Everyone seems to think that if you have health insurance you are ok, but many people who have insurance still cannot afford to get the medical care that they need. When 1 test can cost over $5000, then the insurance company decides it is not going to pay for it, because the doctor did not get pre-approval there is a problem. When a child can get health care, but their parents can't, there is a problem. I know some are going to say-- go to college, get a better paying job and you won't have these problems, but please tell me how much your degree is going to be worth when 50,000 people have one just like it instead of 5,000?

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

health clubs child care cost

health clubs child care cost?
I am trying to gather information on what health clubs or fitness centers charge for their on site child care. Please let me know what you pay a month, how many hours you are allowed to use it per day, and where your club is located in the US. Thanks in advance.
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers

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1 :
Try to do a lot of research at many different health clubs to get an average price. At my health club child care is totally free and is meant to get a lot of mother out and exercising which it really does.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Child Health Plus

Child Health Plus ? ?
I was wondering if my kids would be eligible for if my husband already has health coverage and my children are on it. They do not have vision or dental, will they at least be covered for vision and dental
Other - Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
call the tenn care they should answer all your question it really depends on yalls income to

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

would less child births have a major impact on our planets health

would less child births have a major impact on our planets health?
I live in Utah and there was just a news story about a local man who died. He had 8 children, 54 grandchildren and 88 great-grandchildren! This is normal and not just for this state. I am just thinking of what would happen to this planet if everyone procreated in this way. What would our earth be like if people didn't feel so entitlted to breed in such huge amounts and instead have no more than 2 children? Is religion to blame (and I mean all religions that encourage expanding the church by creating more followers) for our planets peril?
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers

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1 :
The world has more than 6 billion people already. Too much sex is going on in my view. =/
2 :
Religion is highly to blame. Less religious areas tend to have less children because they have children on their own terms. not because something in the sky with questionable existance tells them they should. Most major religions brainwash people to have kids by telling them that children are a "gift from god". If we had less people it would benefit our planet in that it would be easier to support fewer people and that those people as a whole could live better lives because the planet would actually be able to support the smaller number of people.
3 :
too many stupid people are breeding I think the lack of education about birth control and sex is to blame religion is only a small part of it. also, kids are encouraged to keep their child even if they are not ready for parenthood. they have the ability to get on welfare and child support...if those two things weren't in place then more people would think a lot harder about going with "plan B"
4 :
yea but its not going to change because its not going to effect us in our lifetime maybe it will help us later more people = more scientests = solves problems

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parents health carrying on to child question

parents health carrying on to child question?
If I'm in my 20's, in perfect health and the father of the baby is in his 50's and his most significant health problem is kidney stones. He's passed several of them, this would carry on to our kids correct? Would it make more of a difference if the father passed any kidney stones before getting the mother pregnant or passing them after the kid was already born to the chances of the offspring getting kidney stones?
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 1 Answers

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1 :
I don't see how his kidney stones could possibly affect the baby. The baby may have a chance of getting them as an adult, but I don't think it would be any greater than anyone else's chance of getting them. Why don't you ask a doctor to be sure, but I thought kidney stone were an isolated problem, not one that was passed on.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If you are a health professional and you suspect child abuse, can you hold the child from their parents

If you are a health professional and you suspect child abuse, can you hold the child from their parents?
This is hypothetical, we were discussing this in a counseling class.
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
You are required by law to report it
2 :
No. That is kidnapping and possibly false imprisonment. The health professional has an obligation to report suspeced abuse to social services.
3 :
As health professionals are mandated reporters in most states, it is important to make a report to the Department of Family and Children services immediately upon discovering, or suspecting abuse. If possible, the call should be made while the child is in care, this way DFCS can make a recommendation to stall until a caseworker can arrive, or allow the child to go home, with a home visit to follow. In cases where severe trauma or sexual abuse is suspected, a call to law enforcement may provide the opportunity to protect the child and speed the referral process with DFCS.
4 :
If you think a kid is in danger you need to report it as fast as possible. You can strongly recommend the child remain in the hospital for observation. You can tell the parents the child needs to be held in the ER for observation. If the parents want to take the kid you can insist they sign an "Against Medical Advice" form. In many cases these three tactics will keep the kid under observation and safe until law enforcement gets there. If law enforcement does not get there in time and you tried your best to hold the kid legally, you did all you can. You can not hold the kid against the wishes of the parents.
5 :
No. You call the police (as required by law) and they handle it.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

beyond child support and health care

beyond child support and health care?
IPay child support and health care for my child. He got into some trouble with some friends and lawyer fees are now involved his mother picked the lawyer and now wants to sue me for half of the fees. She does not let me have any say so in his life and makes poor judgments that got him in this mess. Am I obligated to pay this?
Law & Ethics - 9 Answers

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1 :
Yes u are, its the law
2 :
I say no. Obligated no. I think as a father though, you may WANT to help yor son. That is up to you. Don't spoite your son cause your ex sucks.
3 :
Probably so. Because no matter what it's YOUR CHILD to0. But you should let the courts know she's not letting you be the Father you want to be & try to file for joint custody
4 :
well, do you have to pay? not unless it says so in your agreement, should you help your child out? yes. not because she said so, but because it is the right thing to do.
5 :
Not an expert or anything, but this might be one of those cases where you might have to pay half unless it can be proved that she directly caused the problems. Also why do you let his mother keep you out of your son's life? You do have rights especially since you do pay child support you should fight for your rights. If you think that if you were more involved with him this wouldn't have happened, then you should make the effort before something else happens.
6 :
If you don't have your own attorney then I would suggest you get one. Otherwise tell her to pound salt, set back and wait to see where she goes with it. If you are in compliance with the courts rulings on what you are suppose to pay your in the clear. Of course your obligation as a father my weigh more heavily on your heart.
7 :
Child support is set by the court, not a parent or guardian. You are only obligated if so directed by a judge. Until then, you can tell your ex to push off. You may also oppose in court any effort by her or her lawyer to increase child support, for this or any other reason. You have been given leverage here. Consider using it to benefit your child.
8 :
Only if the judge who adjudicated your divorce or one from a higher court orders it. The criminal court might (although I doubt it) try to order you to pay it. If it goes unpaid and is put into collections, the attorney may try to come after you for the balance, BUT as long as you did not sign any agreement to pay, and did not have any say in the choice of attorney, nor were given the opportunity to opt for a public defender, then you are not obligated to pay. You signed nothing, right? You agreed to nothing via telephone, right? If so, you are in the clear. Might sound harsh, but let them sort this out. Be supportive emotionally for your son, but let him (and Mom) take responsibility. We all have to fall down before we can learn to walk. Of course, I offer this not knowing the full story, so if there is more, I could be wrong: about the let him sort it our part, not the financial responsibility part.
9 :
Unless this is specifically stated in your original child support court orders, then I doubt that you are legally obligated to pay for half of the attorney's fees in his criminal proceedings. You may, however, find yourself legally liable in terms of civil litigation, whereas the third party is suing to recoup costs. This would be the case in a car accident, or other damage to property relating to criminal mischief... etc. If her attorney pursues this monetary issue relating to the legal fees, then you can counter file in family court for sole custody of your son - on the grounds that she is not equipped to adequately monitor the minor child, leading to criminal offenses. Do this ONLY if you are TOTALLY prepared to be the full-time Dad you know he needs now. Either way, if there is any way that you can spend more time with you son, do so now. This may be his cry for help, and need for a father's love and support emotionally. It can be hard to do, especially if you live far away - but really try. Winter break from school would be the ideal time to start. Good Luck!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

when results of a study trial for a child's health aren't promising, should the researcher tell the patient?

when results of a study trial for a child's health aren't promising, should the researcher tell the patient?
When a study trial, kind of an experimental trial don't look too great for the child to progress in, should the researcher tell the patient? And at what point in time? Please comment
Other - Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yes ofcourse. Every parent has the right to know.
2 :
Since it is only a trial present it scientifically to the parent.
3 :
The researcher should definitely tell the patient, keeping them up to date. but remind them that it is in fact just a study trial and that there still is hope.You should tell them right away because not telling them is just filling them with false hope. Also if its a child maybe you should tell the parents and let them decide how to break it to the child!
4 :
What you wrote isn't detailed enough to be able to help you much. If a child shouldn't continue in a study that is ongoing due to health, the child should be dismissed from the experiment and a reason should be given. If the study is already over, you can issue out a report form that informs the child/parent of the suitability for further continuance. Its always advisable to be upfront about stuff concerning health, even if it may invalidate/violate your experiment. Address your concerns, but don't make a diagnosis, or say stuff that you have no right saying. Only doctors can diagnose, and you can easily find yourself on the blunt end of outraged parents should you tell them negative stuff that you have no right diagnosing.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

What's a good website to teach my young child about health & exercise-something she can navigate herself

What's a good website to teach my young child about health & exercise-something she can navigate herself?

Medicine - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is a great website. I had to let my son research information on the new food pyramid and all...they have a game for kids, coloring pages, tips for families, a whole kids website area for learning! http://www.mypyramid.gov/kids/index.html
2 :
I love drweil.com he has great health and wellness info sometimes the info is scientific but she will definately learn a lot.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do health insurers generally cover step children

Do health insurers generally cover step children?
My boyfriend and I plan to marry soon, and my boys are 14 and 17. They have insurance through the state child health plus plan right now. I have full custody of them. By law, their dad is supposed to have them covered, but his employment is spotty, so we can't / don't depend on him to cover them. (I have insurance through the state's family health plus plan.)
Parenting - 4 Answers
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1 :
only if your new husband adopts them other wise its up to you and your ex to insure the kids
2 :
I would say it depends on the company. Some are really open and cover all "dependants" which can also be an adult child in school or elderly parent while others only cover adopted/biological children of the recipient. Your best bet is to go in and talk to the HR manager at his employer and ask them for information packets. there is usually a grace period where you can add dependants to your coverage within a certain amount of time of them becoming dependants.
3 :
My husband's insurance covers my daughter, thankfully, cause her bio dad can't be relied on for anything! But, I don't know if that's standard procedure. It seems like these days insurance companies will do anything to deny benefits.
4 :
yes step children can be covered. You have to be married for it to go into effect. They will require a copy of the marriage license. I have my step daughter on my insurance through my employeer. There is no problems. Your new husband does not have to adopt your sons to have coverage.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

How is child exploitation prevented when sponsored through Dept of health and human services programs

How is child exploitation prevented when sponsored through Dept of health and human services programs?

Law Enforcement & Police - 3 Answers

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1 :
When WHAT is sponsored by HHS???? THIS IS WHY WE NEED BETTER SCHOOLS. YOU need to learn how to ask a complete question.
2 :
You need to further explain your question.
3 :
I doubt it could be true

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Who do I listen to... doctor vs maternal and child health nurse

Who do I listen to... doctor vs maternal and child health nurse??
Sorry if this is a bit long but here goes... Here in Australia we have what is called a maternal and child health nurse (MCHN) that we go to for regular visits. Not sure if it is the same elsewhere. My daughter is 6 months and we saw the MCHN weekly to start with then it gradually gets less frequent. A few months ago I tried my daughter on a little bit of formula (exclusively breast fed until then) and she did not tolerate it (vomiting and blood in diarrhea). I was told that she is most likely dairy intolerant but that it is likely to resolve. Since then, I have removed all dairy from my diet which has definitely made me little girl happier and her weight gain was more appropriate. My daughter also started on solids about 2 months ago and eagerly has 3 meals per day after a breast feed. About 2 weeks ago she became really constipated so I tried altering her diet (no rice cereal, more pears etc). I saw the MCHN last thursday and asked her when and how I should reintroduce dairy (should I slowly introduce it into my diet or wait until my daughter is older and try it in her diet then) and she said I might as well try her on a little bit of cow's milk now (just a bit on her cereal) and that the worst thing it will do is help the constipation. Within 2 days, she had diarhhea which wasn't surprising but she wasn't irritable and didn't seem to have an upset tummy. I stopped the milk and she became constipated again. I've also started giving her natural yoghurt and that hasn't given her diarhhea yet (3 days so far) Yesterday I took her to the doc who looked at me incrediously when I told her what the MCHN had said and she also basically scoffed at me when I said she had been on solids for about 2 months. Everything she said to me was in a tone like (duh, why don't you know this?). She said absolutely NO dairy until Lucy is 1 year. I tried to explain about the yoghurt and she just talked over the top of me. She gave me some information on relieving the constipation which I am trying. I'm just a bit confused about the differing advice. I know that the doctor had more years of study but she doesn't really know my daughter whereas the MCHN has seen her probably about 20 times in the last 6 months. I also don't know if I am overreacting. Any advice on who I should listen to and why? Oh... the MCHN also told me to wait before introducing wheat but the doc wants me to give her weet-bix now???
Newborn & Baby - 3 Answers
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1 :
It sounds like the health nurse knows what she is talking about. Your baby might be milk intolerant for the rest of her life though, that's how it started with my sister. But if you do want to start on formula you can look into a potato based formula, that's what my sister had to use. And for cows milk you should try Lactaid and see how that works with her system. Good luck with your baby.
2 :
Generally dairy is not introduced until 10 - 12 months. Also dairy usually makes constipation worse. Don't let the doctor make you feel stupid... you were following the advise of a trusted professional. Dairy is hard to digest and should not be introduced at a young age. (but many have done it anyway for many many generations). Now they say to wait until a year. I don't know why your MCHN told you this, she must have her reasons or maybe her training is old? Anyway, don't let the doctor make you feel bad! Follow your instincts and do research online on both view points if you are still uncomfortable. I don't think you will find much to advocate giving dairy to a baby though. I find that babies easily become constipated when introducing solids and they often poop considerablely less.... I gave my son apple sauce or prune juice and that cleared him right out.
3 :
so many months and weeks in your post I'm alittle confusd but I think you say your daughter is only six months old standard here in the US is to wait till 1 year to introduce cows milk so if I read your post correctly I would say your nurse is wrong and your doctor is correct your daughter should be on Formula or breast for milk up to a year at six months you can introduce solids rice or wheat cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. I'm not familiar with weet-bix but if it like rice cereal than it should be fine edit four months is alittle early for introducing solids and its more likely your daughter just isn't ready for that much solids yet. each child is different i would back off on the solids a little and keep it very simple

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

do i have to keep outside my 11 year old dog because fur is bad for my child health

do i have to keep outside my 11 year old dog because fur is bad for my child health?

Dogs - 12 Answers

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1 :
I don't understand the question. Is your child allergic to dog fur? It is never a good idea to keep a dog outside. If you are concerned about fur, I would just be sure to vacuum regularly and brush your dog often.
2 :
No, of course not. Unless your children are allergic, then dog fur and dander is actually *better* for their health. Having them exposed to these things will make their immune systems stronger.
3 :
That would be a terrible thing to do to a long time family companion, that's probably near the end of his years. Is your child allergic? If he is, be diligent about cleaning the hair and brushing your dog and possibly giving your child allergy meds. If he's not, what's the problem? A little hair never hurt anybody.
4 :
Unless your child is allergic, of course not. Be sure to vaccum regularly to pick up all the excess fur.. If your dog is long haired you could also have him/her shaved especially in the summer. But no, leaving a dog outside is never a good idea
5 :
Keeping the dog outside is a very bad idea. Im assuming the dog has been inside most of his life and at 11 years old it is not good to change his whole life. Its not fair to him. I would suggest shaving the dog and vaccuuming alot. Although the dog might not look as pretty, if you love him it won't matter what he looks like as long as he gets to stay inside and have all the love he always had from you.
6 :
I would
7 :
umm...maybe u could just keep it in a seperate rooom because dogs shouldn't be kept outside
8 :
I addiction to vacuuming and brushing , try buying air purifiers and change your furnace's filter often.
9 :
So far I'm agreeing with almost every answer. If your child is not allergic there shouldn't be a problem. Brush your pet regularly and clean the dog hair from furniture, floors, etc on a regular basis. If the child is allergic, cleaning often will help, maybe keep the dog and child separated as much as possible, but don't kick the dog out of the house.
10 :
If your child has no symptoms of allergies, there is no reason to put the dog outside. If your child is having allergy symptoms, it is up to you to decide waht to do about it. Throwing the dog outside after living indoor for its whole life could be dangerous, and the dog could get very upset. However, I can understand you not wanting your child to be drugged up just to be comfortable in their house. If your child has asthma, I can definitely understand putting the dog out it it has caused attacks. If your child is having problems, talk to their doctor. You may be able to find a dru that works without too many side effects. It could be that something else is causing or is aggrivating your childs allergies. Carpeting in their room or around that house may be holding the dander enough to cause worse symptoms. They also hold dust mites and their feces, which cause allerigies ina lot of people. Try brushing the dogs fur out and vaccuming more. You may also decide that it is best to just keep the dog outside or to give it to another family. You need to take care of the dog, but you also need to care for your child. Explore your options and see whats right for you.
11 :
I'm not sure I understand your question. Is your child allergic to the dog? Has a physician tested your child and determined that the dog must go for the sake of your child's health? ...... If so, then it's pretty basic that a child ranks higher in the pack than the dog. You can discuss treatments for your child with the physician ... in hopes of keeping the dog inside as well. If someone told you that dog fur is bad for your child's health, what evidence do they have to support their theory? Outside of allergies, I have never seen dog fur have an adverse effect on a child. The benefits of having a pet far outweigh the necessity to vacuum more often.
12 :
It is a medically proven fact that kids, especially boys, raised with dogs are less prone to having allergies than kids not raised around dogs. If your kids aren't allergic, bring the dog inside where a companion should be.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

If i was your spouse or child, would you add me to your health insurance policy

If i was your spouse or child, would you add me to your health insurance policy?
every morning i wake up thinking...ok should i work the solution or should i work the problem and quess what?
Women's Health - 1 Answers
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1 :

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

When a child is born with health impairments, what is it called

When a child is born with health impairments, what is it called?
Primary characteristics, congenital anomalies, secondary problems, or acquired disabilities? It's on my test but not in my book haha, does anyone know?!
Newborn & Baby - 1 Answers

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1 :
Congenital anomalies. Congenital means "at birth". Just think - ACQUIRED disabilities would occur if something happened (such as trauma) to cause a person to have a disability

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

What are some children health issues that are serious enough to have a large charity opened for it

What are some children health issues that are serious enough to have a large charity opened for it?
About to open a charity for a children health issue, however, I do not know what to back. So if you have any idea of a serious health issue for children that needs backing, any recommendation, then feel free to let me know.
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers   

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1 :
Why not pick a Children's hospital or many of them to raise funding for? This way almost every child needing help can apply to the fund? They have some Known houses, like the Ronald McDonald House and those are always looking for funds too. This is a great way to raise money and have it go to the right people too. I really hope you consider something like this in your area. If not already there, then the nearest Children's hospital would be grateful if you were to help raise funding for a house like that around where you live. You can ask there administration for help in starting this too. Good luck and God Bless

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child

Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.
Insurance - 2 Answers

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1 :
not sure of the waiting period, but my husbands secretary uses this for her 3 children and she has separate insurance since my husband cannot afford to provide her with insurance. he is also uninsurable and has to get special policy of his own pending reaching medicare next year. another reason we need to get health reform so that all, not just the select few can get health insurance. only in the usa is health insurance a privilege not a right. good luck
2 :
My kids were on this while I was in school. It is income based. Most of the waiting time is due to the income verification. However these are state programs and so every state is different. As to the need for healthcare reform mentioned above. Most of the uninsured in the US are people who could afford to get coverage, but don't due to lifestyle choices. Make those people show proof of insurance before they can get a home or car loan or buy a big screen tv, and you would see a huge drop in uninsured rates. There are programs that provide care for the impovershed.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child

Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.
Parenting - 2 Answers
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1 :
My daughter has CHIP in Texas. I don't know what it's like in PA, but here it didn't take too long. I had to apply. Waited a few weeks for the interview to decide if she would get CHIP or Medicaid. Waited a few more weeks for the acceptance letter which said she would be started in a few more weeks. ... Maybe a 2 month process from the day I started filling out the paper work until she was officially covered. I know it's a long time when your child has problems. But it's better than the waiting period for some other things. Also, I could be wrong, but I think they cover any outstanding balances you have from the last couple of months before you apply. So that helps too. You say you are "considering" putting him on CHIP. I suggest you start filling out the papers ASAP - Today if possible. The worst they can do is turn you down. And if you apply but then find a provider you like more - it shouldn't be too hard to cancel your application with CHIP.
2 :
Lets see, I applied in October and was covered by December. I did everything by fax and snail mail.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Would CHIP (Child's Health Insurance Program) cover some or all of the cost of birth control

Would CHIP (Child's Health Insurance Program) cover some or all of the cost of birth control?
I want to get birth control since I turned 16 and have been sexually active for 9 months, but the one I was going to get it is if I got a job which is not possible right now. And my mom doesn't even know I have a b/f and she'd flip/kick me out if she knew I was having sex.
Women's Health - 2 Answers

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1 :
CHIP does not cover birthcontrol. Check a free clinic. There are some programs that do.
2 :
I don't know where you are but in Calif you can use a county clinic and get FREE birth control (plus a free exam which you want since you're sexually active). Check either your county's health dept in the front of your phone book or check with Planned Parenthood. You've been really lucky for 9 months so far if you haven't gotten pregnant.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Can a single mother have health insurance for her child is she is unemployed

Can a single mother have health insurance for her child is she is unemployed?

Insurance - 6 Answers
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1 :
yes u can just go to ur local doctor in ur area or to one of the clinic around ur area most of the time they help u pay or send u to some that can help you.
2 :
Sure you can! Health insurance isn't sold based on marital status or employment status.
3 :
IN Ohio you can buy a child only policy through several good health insurance companies.
4 :
you should be eligible for the CHIP program for your child google it - look in blue pages of phone book shouldn;t cost you anything - or very little even once you start working again if you make below a certain amount
5 :
It is a Common situation many people have met,calm down,and check the resource i found useful. http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info
6 :
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Which child health insurances are free

Which child health insurances are free?
my husband left us (no clue where he is) and im trying to get my newborn free health insurance until I start working.
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 9 Answers

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1 :
Medicaid & HealthChoice
2 :
call mass health its free and also net work health the number is 18008412900
3 :
4 :
I'm so sorry. I know my HealthChoice covers children, but I don't have any and my employer pays the insurance. So I'm not sure if it would be free for independent buyers, but I would think so. You might check with them. Best of luck to you and your baby.
5 :
I live in canada, and due to my income level (which is still good)... my child gets subsized health care... are you in the States?
6 :
I would contact your local welfare department right away. They can send you an application or you could fill one out on line. Even if you don't qualify for medicaid they will submit your application to the Chip program. good luck and take care. I am so sorry that you have to go through this.
7 :
Go and get emergency medi-cal at your local medi-cal office, do not let your pride get in the way of getting medical coverage for the baby. I am sorry that your husband left you and the baby what a piece of s@#t he did not deserve a family, also I know that it must be hard for you to look for work with the baby they can help you get free child care as well as helping you get food stamps and cash aid until you find work, after you find a job then you and your child can apply for healthy families and that is free also......good luck I wish you and your baby the best!
8 :
FAMIS is free health care for children. check out their website.
9 :
go to DHS and talk to them! get food stamps too!

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Is it child abuse to not provide health insurance for your child

Is it child abuse to not provide health insurance for your child?
So many parents don't have insurance for their children. Is this not serious neglect on their part? Not "affording" insurance is neglect. Don't have children if you can't pay for them. Insurance is right near the top of the list along with food, shelter, and clothing. Hey, if you can pay "out of pocket" for medical prodedures then you don't need insurance and this is a moot issue for you. $1200/month. I'll assume that's a typo and it's $1200/year, which is what I pay for insurance and it covers my entire, immediate, family.
Politics - 18 Answers
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1 :
No, some parents simply cannot afford coverage and do not qualify for assistance. The government of the U.S. is neglect in not mandating health care for all citizens. I would rather have my taxes raised to ensure all children are covered than to pay for an unjust war.
2 :
Depends if one can actually afford the health insurance.
3 :
No.... If the parent is able to provide medical care for the child why bother making an insurance company richer?
4 :
Gee, let me see ... are you a liberal?
5 :
no i don't think it's neglect, i think is bad government. They make it impossible for a household to afford healthcare, even if you have a job and they provide healthcare to carry a family of 3 it is expensive. I think the whole healthcare world is a rip-off. It's too expensive and nothing is covered. So most parents have to pick up the tab..I know for me and my 2 kids it's costing me 1200 dollars a month for health insurance at my job, and it covers nothing, i still have a 500.00 deductible and 1000 co-ins, for each family member. I think the U.S. family is being abused by the government.
6 :
In the context you're asking the question, yes, I would say that it is. But not having health insurance is not the same as not having health care. Many don't have insurance, whether through necessity or choice, but NO ONE is denied necessary care in the United States.
7 :
How can you provide something you have no money for? So are you saying you should live under a bridge so you can afford health insurance?
8 :
People don't necessarily start out not being able to afford kids. You lose your job, your spouse becomes ill, you have a serious accident, and guess what? The kids stay anyway. Remember SCHIP? The bipartisan federal program designed to help the states help those very kids whose parents worked but could no longer afford health insurance for them? Bush vetoed it. Twice. And lied right there in front of the cameras by saying it wouldn't help poor kids. He lied because it was never meant to help poor kids...poor kids have medicaid. This was designed to help kids whose working parents were priced out or lost coverage at work. Fewer businesses are using health care as a benefit. So I suppose we can now add Bush as a child abuser. My heathcare for two healthy people over sixty is $700 a month, I will not be able to afford that after next January. Then we will go into a plan that costs $140 a month, but has very high deductibles and minimal coverage. We will not be eligible for Medicare for five years. Even then, there are deductables and additional fees for good coverage and the drug benefits the Bush administration passed only benefits the drug companies. We do need to do something,
9 :
It is already available. However, if they can afford the insurance and would rather spend it on IPods, designer clothing, etc. and then scream about not being able to afford insurance, they are fools. The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was created to provide health insurance coverage to children whose families made too much money to qualify for Medicaid but were too poor to pay for private health insurance. The program was created in 1997, and provides federal funds to states, with the states creating and administering individualized programs.
10 :
Depends on the circumstances, was the parent one of those in line to buy the new iPhone, over night for concert tickets, driving the latest $35,000 SUV? Or even to "proud" to take any job? If, so, then it is close to neglect to provide for ones selfish desires and not provide adequate health care.
11 :
I would differentiate between "abuse" and "neglect". To me, abuse is the willful infliction of harm. Neglect is the failure to avert harm. Within that context, to not provide health insurance is to greatly increase the likelihood of neglect. Naturally, the follow-up question is to consider how someone concerned for the welfare of a child should act. Caution should be employed in such activities. There are knee-jerk reactions in the name of helping children that I believe may actually harm many of them.
12 :
The simple ACT of CONCEIVING children, if you aren't going to be responsible for them, is ethically and morally corrupt and constitutes a crime against not only children, but against your fellow man who is then forced to take responsibility for the outcome of your irresponsible behavior. Irresponsibility and refusal to take responsibility for your own actions is the root source of Socialism and the basic cause of tyrannical governments who must DICTATE your behavior, because you didn't do YOUR job. If you want FREEDOM, you MUST be responsible for your own actions.
13 :
I don't think it's serious neglect. Alot of full time jobs do not offer their employees insurance and finding a policy on your own can be really expensive if it's any good. There are alot of insurance policies out there that you can buy for little money, but they tend to not cover alot of things and will fight with you over every claim you try to make. Most of the time, unless you get your insurance through your place of employment, it simply isn't worth the hassle/expense of getting a policy on your own. The truth is that health insurance companies don't care about the health of you and your children, they only care about the bottom line. What is needed here is a reform of our health care system, not punishing parents for their inability to find and afford good health insurance. Medical care should be available to everyone for low cost, not just the people who can afford insurance, or the people who can pay out of pocket. I'm sure it's very easy for you to sit there and criticize everyone else for not being able to afford health insurance, when you can get your policy for only $1200 a year. Not everyone has that option, and not everyone is so lucky as you.
14 :
It is absolutely something all children should have. It is necessary to their health and well-being. . . . . . . You pay $1200 a year? Whaaaattt! You are a lucky duck then. The average cost for health insurance, family, is $500 a month. That is the middle of the road plan. Are you paying for the entire amount, or just a percentage as your employer pays the rest? My mother has been in the health insurance business for 25 years... a family plan - 100% of the plan - hasn't been $1,200 a year since the early 80's!
15 :
Insurance was invented by criminals and is legalize robbery today. When government make insurance mandatory they give a "business" a gun to hold to the citizens heads. The citizen must then pay whether they can afford it or not and must pay even if they can afford to pay out of pocket for a doctor. This country has overstepped it's bounds when it comes to laws governing families for many years. The only reason it is allowed is because they have not used the same power they have on the rich as they do the poor. In rich families you will find as much or more actual child abuse but children are not taken from them. NO. NOT BUYING "INSURANCE" IS NOT ABUSE OR NEGLECT.
16 :
Insurance for me is $650 a MONTH! And I can't afford it.
17 :
NOTHING is free someone will pay the bill. if its YOUR child,YOU should pay the bill NOT TAX PAYERS this entitlement sh!t is so over played by left wingers,but then they also believe that the gubment should hand out welfare checks to lazy bums,crack heads,and women who want to have multiple babies by multiple baby daddies. PAY AS YOU GO,OR,,DON'T FRIGGIN GO
18 :
Child abuse?! Not providing health insurance for your child is the AMERICAN WAY!!!!! Why do you hate America?

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