My boyfriend and I plan to marry soon, and my boys are 14 and 17. They have insurance through the state child health plus plan right now. I have full custody of them. By law, their dad is supposed to have them covered, but his employment is spotty, so we can't / don't depend on him to cover them. (I have insurance through the state's family health plus plan.)
Parenting - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
only if your new husband adopts them other wise its up to you and your ex to insure the kids
2 :
I would say it depends on the company. Some are really open and cover all "dependants" which can also be an adult child in school or elderly parent while others only cover adopted/biological children of the recipient. Your best bet is to go in and talk to the HR manager at his employer and ask them for information packets. there is usually a grace period where you can add dependants to your coverage within a certain amount of time of them becoming dependants.
3 :
My husband's insurance covers my daughter, thankfully, cause her bio dad can't be relied on for anything! But, I don't know if that's standard procedure. It seems like these days insurance companies will do anything to deny benefits.
4 :
yes step children can be covered. You have to be married for it to go into effect. They will require a copy of the marriage license. I have my step daughter on my insurance through my employeer. There is no problems. Your new husband does not have to adopt your sons to have coverage.
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